Tuesday, June 4, 2013


A few minutes later, the door opened and the slave stud came back in. He gave a quick look to Leslie and Kay, hardly noticing anything strange with the way they were squirming around. As if every woman he saw acted in such a sluttish way as they rubbed their own twats.
And maybe that’s how his average days went!
Other than a lustful glance tossed their way from time to time, the stud went about his duties. Getting things ready Leslie and Kay would rather not think about. They hadn’t paid much attention to his labors, spending all their time in figuring out a way to scratch the insistent itch in their crotches, as the stud cleaned off the dildo tipped metal shaft Denise had been staked out on. But when he produced a second, matching shaft, and began to bolt it into the floor, they knew things were about to get serious.
How much longer would the dominant blonde be content with only toying with Denise? Because the way it was looking now, her next stop would be back in the dungeon. Giving the stud his orders to stake a certain brunette and redhead out onto the waiting poles.
They had to come up with something, and do it fast!
Leslie gritted her teeth, focusing in on the stud as he worked. Their only possible means of escape might just be standing in front of her, and she had to figure out how best to make use of that nugget of knowledge.
Forgetting about the nagging screams from her sex was a Herculean deed, but she had to keep all her concentration on the man. Studying him for weakness. She felt sure she could take the big man on hand to hand, but her hands needed to be free for that.
And damn it, time was running out!
The rattle of chains told Leslie that she wasn’t the only one looking for a way out. Kay was being as quiet as possible as she checked her bonds for flaw. Leslie didn’t think the answer would come from there, but if her partner came up with something, great!
Meanwhile, Leslie watched.
Trying not to think about the other pieces of furniture in the room. Each and every one of them was some device for torture. Items she didn’t want to have first hand experience with. Still it was hard to ignore it all completely, because once the stud had the second pole secured to the floor, he busied himself with some of those other devices.
Beyond the tiny G-string hiding what would no doubt be a beautiful cock from their sight, the stud also wore a belt at his waist. Not much, just enough to hang a set of keys from. Keys which unlocked cabinets so the stud could take out the cuffs, whips and bizarre items Ilisa would no doubt wish to use.
Making the brunette shiver at the very thought of any of that equipment touching her most female flesh.
Especially frightening when he pulled out a tub sized container filled with the pink cream!
Everything was set out on a rolling table which could have been borrowed from a hospital’s operating room. After he was done laying the items out, the stud wheeled the cart over to a position between the two metal poles. Then he locked up all of the cabinets again, put the keys back on his belt and for lack of having anything better to do, he sat down on the floor to wait for his Mistress’ return.
Ilisa wasn’t taking any chances with them. She wanted Leslie and Kay watched so they wouldn’t try to escape.
Only the dominant’s concern might just help them.
“What’s wrong? Don’t you like us?” Leslie asked.
“Huh? What?” The guy had all but been hypnotized by the way Kay’s hips were gyrating.
“Aren’t we good enough for you, or are you one of the gay slaves I heard they kept around here?”
Leslie tried twisting her body around so the man could have the best possible look at her body. It wasn’t easy for her. Leslie thought her arms had been hoisted up slightly higher than Kay’s, and Leslie didn’t have the added fraction of an inch that would have been added if she had been wearing shoes, so her toes were barely touching the ground.
Shaking from her wrists, she put some jiggle into her breasts. Leslie didn’t know what turned this guy on, so it was show time as she tried to narrow down the odds.
The stud was licking his lips as he slowly stood up. His fingers reached for the knots holding his tiny briefs in place.
“Does this look like I’m gay?” he said as his beefy cock jumped out.
“Hey, just asking. You hadn’t seemed very interested in what we had to offer. I figure any other guy would have been on us like a shot. Two cock hungry babes, naked and waiting.”
“More than willing,” Kay added with a husky, sexy voice.
“Only maybe Mistress wouldn’t like it,” the stud said as he made motions as if he was about to tuck his cock away into his briefs again.
“She didn’t tell you not to, did she?” Leslie quickly said before all that male meat was hidden away.
“I know she didn’t tell us not to,” Kay agreed.
Leslie gave another tug on her chains, setting her breasts bouncing once more. Come on asshole, she thought. Come and take the bait.
“We’ve been teased all day long. We could really use some good hard loving,” she half begged in a little girl voice.
“I don’t think you’d like my way of doing it,” he told them.
“Between the two of us, I bet we could handle just about anything you’d like to do,” Leslie promised, softly sure of herself.
The stud grinned, giving his head a bit of a shake. “Let me put it this way, this pole and I got something in common.” His hand was wrapped around the shaft Denise had been impaled on.
“You mean you’re hooked to the floor too?” asked Kay.
“No, you stupid cunt! What I mean is, I love sticking my meat up some girl’s ass!”
“You’re right. It’s not my cup of tea,” Leslie admitted first. “But my friend loves it that way.”
The slave was suddenly smiling bigger and moving toward the redhead. Looking her over with a new found interest.
WHAT?!” Kay started. She was all set to list off all the reasons why she thought Leslie was full of shit. Body tensing and ready to tell the stud to get the hell away from her.
All of it ending when she saw Leslie’s lips silently whispering to her, “You’ve got to do it. I’ve got a plan.”
WHAT?!… I mean… What are you waiting for?” Kay said with her best pinned on smile. She certainly wanted no part of this type of play, but if Leslie had a plan…
And if the plan didn’t work, she was going to get poked there anyway just as soon as Ilisa commanded the stud to drop them ass first on the metal shafts.
The guy didn’t take the time to walk around behind Kay. Grabbing hold, he simply spun her around to where he could press his strengthening meat into the crease of her bottom cheeks. Hugging her tight in his arms as he got his first good feel of her warm ass globes.
“AAahhh, yeah! You’ve got an ass meant for fucking,” he whispered in Kay’s ear. His hands slipping up to flick her nipples.
The cream causing her pussy to threaten her with a melt down, drove Kay to distraction. She was so damn horny that now she had male hands on her, and could feel a cock press against her body, she was looking forward to any kind of a dicking she could get.
“Then do it!” she told the guy. “Don’t waste time. Do me! Fuck me while we have the chance!”
“But what if Mistress…”
“Let her get her own date. Give me that damn cock!”
“Well… I…”
Kay wriggled her ass back against that hard cock as best she could, not wanting to give the guy a chance to back out now.
“Get me down from here and I’ll give you the best damn screwing you’ve ever had. Any way you want it!” she promised, the heat of her words could make most men cum in their pants.
“I… I can’t let you down. If Mistress found out…”
“Then do me like this. Right here, with me hanging by my wrists. I don’t care, I just have to feel your cock inside me!”
That did it. The stud couldn’t turn down this minx in heat. She had nearly pulled herself up in his arms to where she could take on that cock by herself.
“Yeah… YEAH! You got it bitch!”
He held her wiggling body with one hand and used the other to guide his thick prick toward Kay’s ass pucker.
Banging his knob against the tiny muscle ring.
“Damn! DAMN IT! You’re too fucking tight! Can’t get a start…”
“Get it wet lover. Put it in my pussy. It’s nice and wet there.”
The stud was hot enough he could hardly think straight any longer. He just wanted to get inside that cute ass in front of him.
“Yeah… Ok…” he grunted as he re-aimed his prick. He hardly had to move his meat before Kay’s hungry pussy swallowed him up whole.
SHIT YES!” Kay screamed. The stud’s steel hard missile was quickly making her forget all the torment the pink cream had caused her. Her passion was about ready to explode…
Just as he pulled out!
“What are you doing? It felt so good!” she cried.
“It’ll feel better,” the stud promised as his cock started knocking at her asshole again.
Thrusting and banging against Kay with bruising pressure.
“Still… can’t get… it in there!”
And suddenly he was gone!
Kay’s head spun around to see what had happened. To spot where the guy had gone. He was unlocking one of the equipment cabinets and was rummaging around inside.
“Fucking angle’s all wrong,” he grumbled as he came back.
“Tell me what to do lover. I’ll help,” Kay promised, her pussy on fire and now the pink cream smeared on her asshole was getting to her as well.
“This should do it. Open ya right up.”
The stud grabbed hold of Kay’s right ankle, yanked it up in the air and clipped a length of chain to it. Without letting the leg drop back down, he clipped the other end to the chain holding the redhead’s wrists up in the air.
Kay felt strange with her ankle suspended up like this. In a way it took some of the strain off her wrists. It also offered a whole new series of movements she could attempt.
So long as she had her ankle held there waist high!
“We’ll see how that changes things,” the stud grunted.
He rubbed his cock along Kay’s slit to gather up more moisture before taking aim once more. This time with her legs forced open, he got that first fraction of an inch of entry he’d been looking for.
“OH MY GOD!” Kay shrieked.
For a frightening moment she thought she was being ripped in half. Leslie had lied to the man just to get his interest. Kay had never taken a cock up her butt before, and now she understood why.
With a normal sized cock it would have been painful, with this monster sized prick it was torture.
“Yes it is good, isn’t it?”
If it hadn’t of been hurting so bad, Kay would have laughed. He really thinks I like this, she thought. She was struggling not to scream as he thrust forward one more time.
The pressure was more than Kay’s poor anal muscle could hold back against. With one more grunt from the stud, and an incredible forward thrust, he was inside her.
His cock about ready to split her apart!
The stud wasn’t so much thrusting into Kay, as much as he was lifting her body up and dropping her down on his prick. Using her own body to help in stabbing herself in the ass.
Slowly hammering all of his larger than life member up her once secret channel.
“That’s it! That’s the way! Take it all!” he shouted happily.
JESUS! Is that your cock, or are you sticking your arm in me?”
By the time he had driven his meat all the way home, a strange thing happened. Kay’s asshole gave up all attempt at keeping the invading cock out. In fact she was almost inviting it in to do to her as it wanted.
Even more surprising was when Kay found that the burning sensation of having her rectum ripped open had subsided and she the feeling of being filled with the man’s cock back there was becoming acceptable.
That she was starting to like it!
“Come on! Do it to me! Fuck my ass!”
Maybe it was only because the pink cream had made her so horny that Kay didn’t know what she was doing anymore, but she welcomed the thrusting cock no matter where it was.
Fucking her way back at it!
“My nipples… Squeeze my nipples! Make me CUM!”
From the corner of her eye, Kay saw her partner was up to something, but she couldn’t figure out what. Leslie looked like she was trying to get her body swinging back and forth. Kay didn’t know what it was all about, but she didn’t think her new playmate would appreciate it at all. So Kay did what she could to turn her body. Twisting herself, and the porking stud, so their backs were turned to Leslie.
Only being able to move around by bouncing herself around on one set of toes, between gut splitting thrusts of a salami sized cock, took Kay some time.
Precious seconds, during which Ilisa could return at any time.
“Hold still cunt! I was… I was almost… There!”
Kay cursed! If she’d held still it would all be over with. But then she didn’t know what it was Leslie was up to. Was she going to make her move soon, or was Kay just getting an early taste of the ass filling yet to come from the metal poles?
“AHhh yeah… Like that! That tight little ass… gonna get it… gonna get it good and wet!” the stud was shouting.
Now that Kay was holding herself still, the sex stud taking a good hold on her hips to keep her that way, and he was really hammering at her.
His hips picking up speed as he ground into the redhead.
“Do me baby. Give me that hot load,” Kay urged. Then more for Leslie’s benefit, she added, “Almost there. Make me cum at the same time!”
“Oooohhh! Gonna… It’s there… I’m… CUMMING!”
Feeling the guy’s load shooting up the wrong hole was a strange experience for Kay, but the addition of his cream seemed to sooth her overstretched channel.
The stud was still jerking with each new blast he jetted into her, when Kay felt the guy’s body suddenly jolt away from her. She couldn’t look far enough over her shoulder to see what was going on, but she knew it had be because of Leslie.
The real problem was that his cock was still firmly stuck inside her, and where his body went, so did her’s!
“Come on! Help me!” Leslie was shouting.
“Sure… How? I’m not in the best of positions!”
“Neither am I and if I drop him we’re really in deep shit!”
Taking a good hold on the overhead chain, Kay pulled herself up. Trying to disengage her body from the slave’s cock as she pulled.
“Not so hard! I can’t hold him!” Leslie shouted back at her.
“Sorry. Just doing what I can!”
Luckily his spunk was beginning to grease Kay’s shitter to where she could slide off him. She was left with a strange sense of emptiness as their bodies separated. As soon as Kay’s toes touched the floor again she did all she could to spin around to see what was happening.
When the stud was blasting his nuts dry, his body had arched back, his head even more so. That’s when Leslie had swung her legs up, wrapping them around his neck and squeezing until his ran out of air. Thankfully, his hard ass fucking of Kay already had him short of breath. Otherwise he might have been able to fight his way out. Now he was hanging in mid-air, held up only because of the strength of Leslie’s legs and arms.
“Hurry! My wrists are killing me!”
“Oh yeah? Well let me tell you about how my ass feels! Of all the bone headed plans…”
“Not now, eh? Can you get your leg free?”
“I think so.” Kay’s fingers had already been stretching to get at the clip. Looking pretty stupid as she bounced up and down on one foot in an effort to get enough slack in the chain so she could open the catch.
“There! Now what?” the redhead asked as her foot dropped to the floor.
“Now it’s your turn to hold him. Catch!”
Leslie got her body swinging again. The dead weight of the man’s body acting as an anchor to slow her down, and they didn’t swing out very far. The brunette only hoped they could pull this off without breaking the guy’s neck. Kay was also swinging her body, stretching her legs out as far as she could reach. Snaring one ankle around the man’s waist, turning him into a bridge joining her body with Leslie’s.
“Great! Now get your other ankle… Fine! Now hold onto him. Don’t let him fall!” Leslie begged.
“Christ! How much does this bastard weigh?” Kay grunted as she took on his mass.
“So how are your wrists doing?”
“Oh shut-up! Just get on with whatever it is you’re doing.”
“See? It wasn’t as easy as you…”
Kay was loosing her grip and finding it difficult to maneuver the man’s weight around so she could get a better lock with her ankles.
“Yeah, yeah. Stop your bitching, I’ve about got it.” Leslie had swung her legs out again, reaching with her bare foot towards the belt at the man’s waist. Trying to pluck the key ring off with her toes.
“You’re kidding? This is your plan? How long do you think I can go on holding him while you play around?” Kay grunted.
“Just hold him… still… I’ve… GOT ‘EM!”
“I never would have…”
THUMP went the body as Kay unlocked her ankles.
“Thought you could do that. Now what?”
“Easy. Catch!”
Swinging her body even further out, curling her knees in tight to her chest, Leslie snapped her body out straight at the height of her swing. Her toes coming up as high as Kay’s wrists.
It took three attempts before Kay was able to make a grab for the keys. As it was she almost dropped them in the brief tug-of-war her fingers had with Leslie’s toes.
“I don’t suppose you know which one fits the lock?”
“Just do it! This is our only chance. If that blonde bitch comes back in now, we’ll never have another opportunity,” Leslie warned.
“Ok! Jeez! No need to get so melodramatic.”
There were about twenty keys on the ring, so naturally the lock didn’t open until after Kay tried eighteen of them. Loving her new found freedom, Kay couldn’t make up her mind which she wanted to do, rub away the soreness in her wrists, or the pain in her ass.
And there was still the burning demand in her pussy to be reckoned with.
“Hey! Forget something?” Leslie yelled.
“Yeah, maybe. Did you see a vibrator around here earlier? Jeez, anything! This puss of mine…”
“I was thinking about leaving you for awhile. You know, so Ilisa would have something to come home to.”
WHAT!? Why?”
“To show you how much I appreciate all you’ve done for me. I want to share with you the fun of the whippings, the cunt licking and the ass fucking you’ve arranged for me.”
“Listen Kay, I’m sorry about all that, but we’ve got to get out of here!”
The redhead stepped over and reached for the padlocks holding her partner. “I know. Just wanted to scare you.”
They smiled at each other as they rubbed their wrists.
“But I think you’re right,” said Leslie. “In a place like this, there’s got to be a dildo or two. My puss is killing me!”
Giggling, they headed for the door.
“You got any ideas?” asked Kay.
“They couldn’t have gone far. Our watch dog slave wasn’t gone long when he took Denise away. I’d guess they’re probably on the same floor.”
“So we do a door by door?”
“Unless you’ve got a better idea,” Leslie shrugged.
They took a few moments to securely bind the unconscious slave so he couldn’t give them away when he came to, before they slipped out the cell door.
If they’d been anywhere else, their wandering around naked might have attracted some attention. In this house, they were just two more slaves. Each took one end of the long hallway to search, listening in at each door they came to. Wanting to check as many rooms as possible this way before barging in on people who might not see the humor involved.
“Pisst! Les! Got it!” Kay said in a stage whisper loud enough for most of the house to hear.
The dark haired agent hurried to Kay’s side. Both pressed their ears to the door and with a nod of agreement they thought they’d take the chance. Kay reared back, ready to kick at the panel as Leslie quietly turned the knob.
Kay’s momentum carried her right through the doorway as the door crashed open, Leslie charging right behind her.
Ilisa’s head snapped up. “What the…!!! YOU TWO!”
The big dominant was sitting in a chair, with Denise on the ground before her. The girl was curled up around her Mistress’ booted leg, kissing and paying homage to the black leather.
Ilisa’s body was moving before her mouth had finished shouting at the duo interrupting her training session. Throwing her body up and away from the chair, kicking Denise flat to the floor at the same time. The mistreated girl didn’t have the strength left to her to do more than whimper as she rolled around on the carpet.
The Dirty Pair were still charging. With a few more steps they’d be on the bitch blonde.
STOP!” Ilisa’s shrieked.
With a move too quick for the rushing duo to have stopped, Ilisa brought a spiked heel down onto the center of Denise’s throat.
HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! Do it, or I’ll crush her throat! You’d never get her to a doctor in time.”
The girls stopped cold. Frozen in place, but still glaring at the bitch blonde.
Ilisa tossed her head back and laughed. “Daddy would be proud of you. I don’t know how you got free, but I assure you, it won’t happen again.”
Denise was crying.
Sobbing, “I’m sorry… so sorry…”
The action had been too fast for her to see how close she had come to winning back freedom. If she had known, she would have fought to get away. Done anything she could to have to help with her rescue. Instead it looked like her fate was sealed.
Ilisa was still laughing as she pointed Leslie over to a side table. “Go over there. You’ll find several pairs of handcuffs. Bring four pair over here.”
It took the sound of Denise chocking as Ilisa added more pressure to the pointed heel about ready to pierce the girl’s neck to get Leslie to move.
“Look, I hope you’re not upset about all this,” Kay said. “We didn’t mean to interrupt anything. If this is a bad time, we can come back later.”
“Where did they find you? You’re treating this like you’ve just accidentally woke a neighbor up. Or is this just a big joke for you? If so, I’ll change that,” said a disbelieving Ilisa. “And what’s taking you so long?”
Leslie was stepping back over to where Kay was standing. Her eyes moving around as if searching for a way out. “Sorry if I don’t seem to excited. Never have liked handcuffs.”
“Too bad. Because you’re going to be wearing them, or something worse, for a very long time,” the blonde promised. “Now put them on your bimbo friend. Wrists behind her back, and a pair on her ankles. And I want to hear them click down tight.”
Kay was complaining about being called a bimbo until she let out a yelp from the handcuffs closing down far beyond snug.
Ilisa nodded her happiness. “Good, now do the same for yourself.”
Glaring at the bitch, Leslie had to get down on the floor to do as requested.
“Come over here so I can see,” Ilisa demanded Kay.
Because of her high heels, and because there was only an inch of play between her ankles now, it took almost a minute for Kay to cross the few feet separating her from the blonde.
The bitch smiled broadly as she saw that both pairs of cuffs were indeed cinched down deep into the girl’s flesh. She wasn’t about to give these two another chance for escape.
“Now you.”
Leslie glared again. Fixed the way she was, there was no way the brunette could stand by herself, so Leslie was forced to crawl over on her belly.
A humiliation Ilisa enjoyed to no end.
“I like it. I think we’ll keep you just like that.” A quick check told Ilisa that Leslie’s cuffs were just as tight as Kay’s.
The tall blonde looked quite regal as she sat down once more.
“I think you owe me, all of you, for this unseemly display. So you may start now. You there, you there and Red, you’re up here.” Leslie and Denise were each pointed to a boot for them to kiss, and the dominant pulled her top aside so Kay could suck her nipples.
“Yes. Very nice. Maybe I can work out a group rate. Sell you as a set. After I get you trained that is. Of course you’ll all have to be punished first for being so naughty.”
Ilisa gave Kay a few swats on the rump. Making the redhead hop around to the other side of her body to suck the untouched nipple. Not letting the prisoner simply lean across.
“Now let’s get back to where we were before our interruption. Remember what you were about to do?” the dominant asked Denise.
The girl got much busier with how she was kissing the woman’s boot. Acting as if she hadn’t heard what the woman had said. “Don’t. Please don’t. Anything else.”
“Wrong response!” Ilisa grabbed a handful of Denise’s hair and stuffed the girl’s face into her crotch.
“I’d better start feeling some tongue action down there real soon, or else I’m gonna start whipping some ass. A lot of it. On all three of you!”
Unable to take on the guilt of being the cause for the other two women getting whipped, a crying Denise started lapping away.
“That’s better. Dig it in a little deeper now.”
Ilisa settled back in her chair. Enjoying life the way it should be lived. Another hard swat sent Kay hopping back around to suck on her other nipple, and she could feel the brunette getting herself up on her knees so she could get around Denise’s body, and still be able to lick both boots.
Relaxing as her three slaves serviced her, Ilisa mapped out in her mind what she was going to do with them.
“Yes cunt.”
“May I join my friend and lick your nipple?” Leslie humbly asked.
The dominant didn’t trust the brunette, but felt secure she was holding all the key cards for the moment. So with a wave of her hand, and a nod of her head, Leslie was allowed to slowly work her way up and hop over past Kay. Treating it like a tag team, Kay took Leslie’s arrival as her cue to hop back over to take the far side of Ilisa’s body.
Three sucking mouths almost brought her more bliss then Ilisa could stand. Denise wasn’t any great shakes. Her feelings of disgust over what she was being forced to do kept away any sense of enthusiasm. On the other hand, the redhead and brunette were doing a fantastic job. Licking her nipples with a skill that seemed to show they had done this before.
Opening a whole new series of possibilities for the duo.
“Excuse me Mistress, but are we performing properly?” Leslie asked.
“What? Searching for praise?”
“No Mistress. We only wanted to make sure you were getting what you wanted.”
Eyes narrowed as anger began to build. These two were getting on her nerves again. Almost as if they were planning something. Possibly it was time to deal with them.
“I’ll let you know when you do something good enough to warrant my attention. Now get back to work!”
“Yes your slutness.”
WHAT? How dare you!”
“This is how,” Kay yelled.
Leslie and Kay each grabbed hold on one of the woman’s wrists and yanked it behind her back. Ratcheting down a pair of handcuffs before Ilisa could fight back. Kay took a position behind the chair so she could slip an arm around the blonde’s neck, forcing her head backwards over the wooden back rest. Kay pulled back until she heard the woman gasping for breath.
Leslie hurried down to where Ilisa’s heels were kicking around Denise’s body. Helping the girl move away, Leslie fit a second pair of cuffs around the surprised dominant’s ankles.
“But… HOW? How did you do it?” Ilisa asked, gulping down air between words now that Kay had let her go.
“Not completely easy,” Leslie admitted. She was busy unlocking the cuffs still holding Kay’s ankles. Then she held the key up for the blonde to see.
“Where did you…? I don’t understand!”
“Sloppy,” Kay tisked. “Shouldn’t leave toys out where the children can reach.”
“You told me to go get the handcuffs, but you didn’t say anything about leaving the key there on the table. You looked so happy with all the licking you were getting, I didn’t have the heart to ask you if it was alright if I freed myself.”
“You cunts!”
Leslie went on with her explanation. “It was mighty nice of you to let me move close enough I could hand the key to Kay so she could free herself as well. And the rest, as they say, is history.”
“Ok, we can deal,” Ilisa said hopefully, looking from Leslie to Kay. “Like I told you, there’s a lot of money in this. I can cut you both in.”
“Until the first time we turn our backs on you. I think maybe not.” Reaching down, Leslie helped Denise to her feet and Kay helped with pulling the single glove off her.
“You stupid cows! You don’t know what you’re interfering with!”
“Yes we do. And you’re history bitch,” Kay announced as she reached over for one of the nipples she had been sucking on. Giving it one hell of a twist.
“Kay, time for us to get ourselves out of here. But first, go over and check to see if our former cell is still empty.”
“But why me? Every time you say…”
“No time for arguments. GO!”
A few moments later, Kay was letting herself back into Ilisa’s room. “Coast is clear, so why don’t we… What’s with you?”
Denise was giggling from Kay’s reaction to Leslie.
Or rather to her change of costume.
With Denise’s help, Leslie was now wearing Ilisa’s leathers.
“Don’t you like it?” Leslie asked, smoothing her hands over the form fitting leather.
“Sure, you look like Batman in drag. Only, why go to the bother?”
“We still need to get out of the house, and I think this will help us do that.”
Kay shrugged, then she pointed to Ilisa. “What about her? Are we taking her with us?”
“I don’t think she’d be very helpful. But I do have an idea that would be very fitting.”
Between the three of them they were able to wrestle Ilisa back over to the dungeon cell. Bending her over and strapping her to a whipping bar, the girls chained the blonde’s ankles out at an extremely wide angle. Ilisa was now left with her pussy and ass totally open and exposed.
“I still don’t follow what you’re up to,” Kay admitted.
“We’re just putting together a distraction to keep the troops busy while we make our exit.”
“But won’t they recognize her? One word from Miss Bitch and the whole household will be tracking us down.”
“So what if they don’t recognize her?”
Leslie held up the leather hood that had hid Denise’s face away so well. Ilisa wasn’t a good sport and fought as hard as she could to prevent the hood from being laced down over her.
She didn’t care for the ring gag any better.
The ring was big enough to allow all but the biggest slave cock to fit in her open mouth.
“Sorry, wish we could stay and play with you some more. Maybe some other time,” Leslie gloated and gave their hooded prisoner a good hard whack on the ass.
They grabbed the bound slave stud and hustled him into a closet where he wouldn’t be seen for awhile, then they all headed out the cell door. This time they were looking for someone, anyone, to come walking by. They were half way up the stairs leading back to the main floor before their wish came true.
“You! Slave! Follow me!” Leslie demanded in her harshest tone. Wanting to prove how well trained he was to the beautiful dominant, the slave jumped to follow the leathered woman. Going with her back to the cell where he received his orders for the day.
Once Leslie rejoined the waiting, naked girls, it didn’t take long for them to walk out to the now cramped RX-7.
With the car speeding them to safety, Kay couldn’t stand it any longer. “SO? Aren’t you going to tell us what you did?”
“I turned the key and stepped on the accelerator. It’s all in the owners manual. I think even you could follow it.”
“Not the car!” the redhead shouted, slapping the driver on the shoulder. “What did you do about Ilisa? Or should we be watching out for cars following us?”
“I merely told that very attentive slave that the hooded woman in the cell had been very rude, and was in sever need of punishment. Explaining to him that she had embarrassed Mistress Ilisa by refusing to perform sexually when given to a guest. Then I ordered him to gather up as many slaves as possible, and that they were to make use of all of her holes for as long as they could. To give her a fitting punishment suiting her crime.”
Denise’s mouth was hanging loose as she listened in shock. She had every reason to hate the blonde bitch for what she had done, but even this was a harsh punishment.
“So how long do you think that will hold her?”
“Seeing as I told the slave to make sure the slut was kept gagged at all times, and that they were to keep up her punishment until he heard otherwise from either Mistress Ilisa or myself… it might be awhile.”
Randel Thompson hated it!
He hated them! He had fervently hoped that either one of his other agents would have cracked this case, or that these two would have met with some untimely fate.
Instead they save the day!
Thompson had swallowed down more Valium just before they entered his office, now he wondered if the dosage had been enough.
“Come in, sit down. I suppose congratulations are in order here.”
Kay was beaming with pride. “Thanks Chief. You know, you’re our inspiration. If not for you…”
Thompson did what he could to wave away the redhead’s praise. Actually all he wanted to do was get her to shut up before he reached for the gun sitting in his desk drawer.
“This report of yours is one of the most remarkable things I’ve ever read,” he interrupted. “There are some things I’m left unclear about though. First of all, did you find out why the girl was kidnapped?”
Leslie nodded her head as she explained. “Ilisa was getting too power hungry for her own good. Not only was there the money she could make by selling off a beautiful young blonde into white slavery, but she also hoped Denise’s disappearance would so crush Albertson that she could move in and take over a good deal of his empire as well.”
“Incredible! But why did you leave the woman there? I’m sure Albertson will want to press charges against her. He’d rather get Davis, but it looks as if Preston Davis had no knowledge of this affair.”
“That’s right sir, it was all Ilisa. But we only left her there so we could make our getaway. Once the girl was safe, we went back with an extraction team and removed Ilisa.”
“God, what a mess!” chirped the energetic Kay. “You should have seen her. Those guys had been using her for a couple of hours before we got back. She was pretty well fucked out, if you know what I mean…”
“Thank you,” sighed Randel, who really didn’t want to know.
“She had spunk running down from everywhere. Her legs, her boobs…”
“Fine. That’s enough.”
“I’ll bet she’ll have a bruised pussy for the next…”
STOP!” Thompson’s hand was trembling as it inched closer towards his top desk drawer. “So where is the woman now?”
“Down stairs in one our holding rooms, sir,” Leslie said quickly.
“Yeah, and don’t worry, she’s not about to get away. Not with all those guys down there humping away on her,” Kay pointed out.
WHAT! Our people?”
Kay looked just as shocked as her boss. Only she didn’t see why he was so upset. Kay was only surprised that there weren’t more men down there jumping the woman.
“She shows up with spunk dribbling out all over and dressed for Halloween, so some of the guys just figured…”
“I don’t want to know!” Randel turned to Leslie, valiantly holding onto his sanity. “Just put a halt to it. Understood?” The brunette agent quickly agreed. “Now what about the girl? Where is she now?”
“That’s kind of a tough one, sir.”
“And why is that? You did rescue her. Didn’t you?”
“Yes. But you see…”
“And you do understand how important this is to the company?”
“Of course! It’s just…”
Kay was the one who fessed up. “She went back to Davis’ house.”
Randel stopped cold, sure that the drugs had somehow affected his hearing.
“I’m sorry, I must have missed that. One more time, and please, slowly.”
This time it was Leslie who told it. “Denise seems to have found something in that kinky lifestyle she liked. So she’s gone back. She wants to take Ilisa’s place.”
“She’s going to become a sex slave to a man old enough to be her father? With her own father’s worst enemy?” Randel suddenly saw his career flash before his eyes.
Kay tried to soften the blow. “Davis isn’t quite as old as Albertson. He’s almost ten years younger. And according to Ilisa, he’s got one hell of a cock that’s…”
“I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT! What am I to tell Albertson?”
The two agents looked at a each other and shrugged their shoulders. “Sir, it was our job to rescue the girl,” said Leslie. “But afterward there wasn’t much we could do. She is an adult. It was her decision.”
Randel was beside himself. “Don’t you see? Albertson’s going to go nuclear. He’s going to tear this place down around our ears!”

Space considerations preclude a full accounting of the remainder of our little tale… but then, the principle characters have all pretty much run the course of their individual dramas, anyway, haven’t they?
Except, of course for Andy, who found himself released from his room, only to be led to the dungeon and strapped to a whipping bar. Waiting his Mistress. Who… when she appeared at last turned out to be none other than Denise Albertson, wearing one of Ilisa’s more outrageous costumes.
“Recognize this?” she asked, rubbing pink cream onto a dildo, which she then strapped to her hips.
Yes, Andy recognized it. Did he ever. And as Denise began fucking him in the ass, she began to see what had driven Ilisa to try for such a grandiose scheme.

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