Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Chris was unhappy about driving Marilyn’s Porsche. She felt hypocritical since she was driving a car that was to be an inducement to leave the people she was now going to visit. Nevertheless it was fun to drive.
She was surprised to find that the directions Stephi had given led her into a beautiful old residential area not far from the squalor of downtown LA. She found the women’s home with little difficulty. Pulling into the driveway she was struck by the solidity and quiet elegance of the two story house that Lena and Stephi shared. She could not help comparing it to Marilyn’s glitzy home. The house she was about to visit reminded her of her home in Iowa.
As she exited the car she saw the front door open and Lena step out onto the front porch. “Glad you could get away early,” Lena called to her.
Trotting up the walk she smiled and said, “So am I. Are you sure I’m not putting you out by arriving in time for dinner.”
“Hell no. It’s Stephi’s night to prepare the meal so we’re having Chinese — she likes that. On my nights it’s pizza. We don’t do much cooking here,” Lena laughed a deep throaty laugh. “Come on in, kick off your shoes and have something to drink.”
The living room was furnished well but conservatively. Stephi called hello from the dining room which opened off the large, high ceilinged living room. Lena had walked over to a small portable bar and as she poured herself a small whiskey and water she asked, “What would you like?”
“Some wine if you have a soft drink if you don’t.”
Lena waved a bottle of dry sherry questioningly and Chris nodded her approval.
“This looks like a lovely home,” Chris said folding her now shoeless feet under her as she sat down in a beautifully upholstered chair.
“Yes we like it. It’s close to fifty years old. They built things the way the did back east in those days,” Lena said sitting down on a davenport across the spacious room.
Stephi came in, her face flushed and said, “Now that I’ve got the table set I’ll have my drink.” She walked over to the bar and poured a small cordial glass full of a clear, white liquid from a bottle that rested in a sweating ice bucket. Raising her gals to both Lena and Chris she said, “To life.”
She walked to the davenport where Lena was sitting and sat down next to her close enough so that they could and did hold hands.
“We’ve invited another guest,” Stephi said, “hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your interest and concern. But are things medically as bad as Dr. Adams said?”
“It’s hard to be objective about it. There are some poor things that we see coming through our place after they’ve been botched in the private hospitals of the Valley. But we would naturally see only the really tough stuff. It’s what teaching hospitals are setup to deal with?” Stephi said.
“Our other guest tonight may well be able to tell you more. He’s a cop who knows much about medical things because of several cases he’s recently been working on,” Lena said.
They sat for a while and sipped their drinks. The quiet was abruptly interrupted by the doorbell.
Stephi jumped up and said, “Bet a quarter it’s the food and not Morgan — he’s always late and always has some lame excuse.”
She returned moments later leading a tall, lanky sandy-haired man who looked as if he had just awakened. His were rumpled and actually looked as if he had slept in them. However, despite his rather unkempt appearance Chris found him to be quite striking. His face was craggy, with deep set, piercing dark eyes.
Stephi led him to where Chris was sitting and said, “Chris meet Lieutenant Joe Morgan and Joe this is Chris Diamond.” Chris offered her hand and was surprised at the strength of his grip and the smoothness of his skin.
“I expected the hands to be rough like a cowboy’s or a construction worker’s,” she thought smiling at the man towering over her.
Lena had come up behind Joe and was holding a glass half-full of whiskey out to him she said, “Your a good half hour behind us.”
“Yeah I can tell since you’re all obviously sloshed,” he said.
“Second surprise,” Chris thought, “he has a sexy voice.”
Joe found a chair opposite Chris that seemed to suit him and his long legs. Then with everyone seated and sipping their drinks he said, “You must be the lady who has met and been charmed by Marilyn Short I guess.”
“My gosh how’d you know her name,” Chris said with an obvious start.
“Oh our friend Marilyn has been around for a while. I’ll tell you all about her some time if you like,” Joe said pausing to sip his drink. “Right now I’d like to hear about how you met her and what she offered you to go over the hill to glitz and glamour.”
Chris blushed and began to stammer. Tears came to her eyes. Stephi who had been watching the brief byplay said, “Don’t be embarrassed Chris. Just an outline will do I’m sure.”
Chris told of her trip over the hill to the Valley and of spending the night at Marilyn’s house. Omitting all details including Fred’s name.
Lena leaned forward and asked, “Which of our girls told you about the party in the Valley?”
“She was a registry nurse. I don’t honestly remember her name — er — Dotty something, I think.”
The door bell rang at this point and Stephi went to the door. She was back in a brief moment carrying arms full of wonderful smelling food.
“Let’s adjourn to the dining room,” she said smiling.
“By gosh, I’m starving,” Joe said politely assisting Chris out of the deep, soft chair into which she had settled.
A great silence settled over the dining room as all four people dug into the various exotic dishes Stephi had ordered. The clicking of chopsticks and the occasional request for tea or for a dish to be passed were the only breaks in the contented silence.
When the fortune cookies were finally passed conversation resumed. Stephi as reigning hostess for that night declared that each must read the fortune they found. There was the usual hilarity associated with the inanities of this ritual. Then everyone settled back in their chairs and Lena said, “Let’s get on with the edification of Chris, Joe.”
“Let’s help clean the table and do the dishes before you complete my southern California education or disillusionment,” Chris said getting up and starting to clear the table.
“What’s the matter with you girl? Are you trying to break the house rules?” Lena asked with mock seriousness. “The person in charge of the meal must clear away the mess. The dishes will be tended to by our housekeeper who comes in every day but Sunday. So mind your manners.” Chris blushingly apologized and looked appreciatively at Joe who suggested they move back to the living room.
“That’ll be OK but only if you wait until I can join you — I have to clean up Lena’s mess you see,” Stephi said laughing.
They sat and made small talk. Joe told of a case he was working on that tangentially seemed to relate to the recent gang warfare in LA. Chris trying to appear interested found the pleasant sound of his voice so sedative she dropped off to sleep. Stephi’s soft voice and gentle shaking roused her.
“OK Joe let’s hear your dissertation on Marilyn Short, the raiding hospitals and all the odd side issues that tie into it,” Stephi said once again sitting down near Lena so that they could hold hands.
Joe sighed, stood up and looked at Chris as he began his explanation.
“Southern California is an interesting place in many ways. The rules that govern civilized behavior have been amended here. Frank Lloyd Wright said something to the effect that, ‘If you tilted the country to the left (west) everything loose would spill into southern California.’.”
“He was right if by ‘loose’ he meant people with no roots: no place or family or ethics. You will find that these people have one concern; immediate gratification. Usually the gratification comes from money but sex and power are also major motivators.”
“Now in the field of medicine understand that the average doctor wants to get rich doing as little as possible. He prefers X-ray films to using a stethoscope; lab printouts to physical examination; and sleeping nights to taking calls.”
“In this latter situation the nurses working in the Valley hospitals wind up functioning as the doctor. Especially true in the case of ICU and CCU nurses.”
“Now we must add more bad things to this equation. With almost no exceptions all hospitals in the Valley are privately owned and are designed to bring in a profit. This means that regardless of how bad a physician may be he is welcome on their staff — the more doctors on staff the more beds are occupied and the more money that flows in.”
“However, they have to keep costs down. So they bring in poorly trained nurses, non-English speaking aides and put them under the charge of one or two well trained, intelligent nurses.”
“Now how do you recruit these few well trained and intelligent nurses? Money alone maybe; but, money and an apparent rich life style is much better. That’s where your friend Marilyn comes in.”
“She is paid to provide whatever is necessary to recruit whoever is necessary. She is, when the situation demands it, a drug pusher, a lady of easy virtue, and probably a co-conspirator in the smuggling of illegal aliens.”
Chris sat stunned at what she was hearing. “Are you telling me that someone had spotted me as being restless or unhappy and that I was set up this past week-end?”
“Probably you were. I don’t have any information on the registry nurse who told you about the a party. But that party was more or less held in your honor. And Marilyn’s ploy of waiting in the Ferrari is a trick she has used before,” Joe said.
“What about the people she introduced me to? Are they part of the plot allege exists?” Chris asked angrily.
Sitting down near her Joe said, “First don’t be angry. I realize I seem to be putting you down and suggesting… no outright saying… you’ve been suckered but it’s not maliciously intended. You are dealing with people who have concern for only one thing — money — greed is their religion.”
“Now I don’t know who you met. Let me tell you how things usually go in this scheme. The person they wish to recruit is taken to one of the fancy country clubs and introduced a pro; golf, tennis, swimming, whatever. They may be men or women depending on the recruit’s apparent interest. And almost invariably they are not pros but hustlers hired for the occasion.”
“Shit. You called it. I met the golf pro,” Chris said angrily.
“You met a fellow named Fred I’ll bet,” Joe said smiling.
“Well be flattered they called out the first team for you.”
“OK so now what do I do? I virtually committed myself to joining a hospital ICU staff and moving in with Marilyn,” Chris asked.
Stephi turned to Joe and said, “Can’t you take the car back for her? She can call and say she’s changed her mind.”
“No. I will help but I need Chris to help me right now. I think we’ve got friend Marilyn and a few of her cronies in a box on a drug charge. If Chris can have a few days off perhaps we can put her to work on Marilyn and the bunch.”
“Meanwhile, we’ll get the car back tonight and pick up Chris’ car. But, and this is a big but, she’ll hold out the prospect of soon joining one of the hospitals for which Marilyn is recruiting,” Joe answered.
“Wait a minute. You want me to maintain my contacts with Marilyn — move in with her and meet more of her supposed friends?” Chris asked, alarm clearly evident.
“Not exactly. You just hold out the promise of returning as soon as you can make the necessary changes in your life, like quitting your job without leaving the hospital understaffed,” Joe answered.
“What about them watching her,” Lena asked. “You told us there might well be some risk — should she go back to her apartment? It strikes me that if she is off work and in and out of her apartment a lot the watchers might get the idea she’s not what they think and hope she is.”
“Yeah. Does your offer still hold?” Joe asked looking at Stephi and Lena.
“What the hell have you arranged for me?” Chris said feeling imposed upon and showing it.
“You move into the apartment Stephi and Lena have on the third floor — your own kitchen and your own entrance but easy contact with friends should you need help,” Joe replied. “Now if you’re ready I’d like you to call Marilyn and tell her you’re bringing the car back. Then I’ll go with you and help you move in here.”
Chris sat. She was very much shaken by what she had heard and not a little annoyed by the fact that these people had suddenly taken control of her life. She looked from Joe standing impatiently near the door, to Stephi and Lena both of whose faces showed compassion.
“Chris in the short time we’ve known you we have come to like you very much. Do what Joe says. I know it’s going to work out fine,” Lena said walking over to hug her and give her a reassuring pat on the back.
“OK, Joe let’s do it,” Chris responded rising and heading for the phone.
The mumbled conversation Chris had with Marilyn could be heard by the three friends standing in the living room. When Chris returned she was red faced and angry.
“She was not too happy about my suggesting a delay. She got a little nasty. You guys may well be right,” Chris said. “Let’s go, Joe.”
With Joe driving the Porsche they made wonderful time. As they pulled into Marilyn’s broad sweeping driveway Chris said, “Where the hell is my car? She promised to have it here.”
“I’ll not go to the door with you. I think some of these people may know who I am. But if you have any trouble just turn and wave there is help around.”
During the ride into the Valley, Chris had time to chat with Joe. She was already aware of his intelligence but was charmed by his gracious manner and kind disposition. She discovered that they shared many interests in common. Both enjoyed classical music, baseball and good food. As Chris relaxed she was very much aware of the sensuality that seemed to radiate from this rumpled, craggy faced policeman.
As Chris walked to the brightly illuminated entry way of Marilyn’s home she wondered what kind of a greeting she would receive. She was grateful for the secure feeling Joe provided.
Marilyn answered the door and her reception of Chris while not effusive was pleasant. Chris was reluctant to step inside and out of the view of Joe so she said, “I’m sorry to have had to change plans Marilyn. I have a friend waiting and wonder if I may get my car.” Marilyn’s response was not encouraging. She told Chris that she and Paul had not been able to get her car started and so she arranged to have it towed to a garage. She then suggested that Chris come in and let her friend return to pick her up in the morning. She even went so far as to indicate that Fred and Billy were both visiting and looking forward to a small get together.
Chris demurred indicating that she had to be at work early. At which point Marilyn said, “Alright take the fucking Porsche and tell me where Paul should pick it up when he returns yours tomorrow.”
Thinking quickly Chris said, “Just have him bring it to the hospital employee’s parking lot. He’ll see the Porsche and he can make the switch. I assume you have a spare set of keys for it. He can leave my keys with the emergency room charge nurse.”
Saying a quick goodnight Chris trotted back to the car and waved as she opened the passenger door. Marilyn had dimmed the lights in the entry but there was no one to be seen sitting in her Porsche because Joe had slumped onto the floor.
The drive back was much more relaxed. Chris sighed with relief, curled her feet under her and tilted the comfortable seat back before relating her experience to Joe.
Joe reached over and patted her hand, “Saying you did well and thought quickly about the car transfer. How about a little nightcap and some soft music?”
“I’d love it Chris,” said.
They drove into Santa Monica and Joe led her into a rather seedy looking place from which the sounds of mellow jazz could be heard. The room was dimly lit, smoky and crowded. Despite that they were seated at a small table. As her eyes adjusted to the relative darkness Chris could see a few couples dancing.
After Joe had given their drink order he suggested that they join the dancing few. He was an excellent dancer. Chris felt comfortable and secure in his arms and quickly became aroused.
“My God I hardly know this man and I’m ready to bed him. This is foolish,” she thought.
They stayed for over an hour and each time they danced Chris felt her desire for Joe increasing. As they started out to the car Joe said, “Would you be offended if I invited you to my place for the rest of tonight. I really hate to have you leave me.”
Chris took his strong hand in hers and whispered, “I can think of no nicer or more welcome invitation.”
She cuddled close to him as they drove towards his home. Joe lived only a few blocks away from Stephi and Lena. His house was small, well kept and nicely furnished. He informed Chris as they walked toward to the entrance that he had been married as a young cop but the marriage had ended in divorce ten years earlier.
The house was neat and nicely furnished. Joe moved about the place turning on lights and escorting Chris from room to room. They settled in the living room sipping hot cocoa Joe had quickly prepared from a box mix. Sitting next to each other on a settee placed near the cold fireplace Chris was more acutely aware of the strength and sensuousness of her tall, lean companion.
She was growing increasingly restless and thought, “If he doesn’t make a move soon I’m going to forget I’m a lady.”
As if reading her mind Joe put his empty cup down on the coffee table and took Chris in his arms. She still holding her warm cup turned and willingly let his kiss her tenderly on the lips. She leaned forward placed her cup next to his on the table and took the craggy, strong face in her hands and brought his lips to hers. This kiss was deeply passionate. Their tongues met and glided around and over each other.
Without a word being said the rose and moved as one toward the bedroom. Pausing only briefly along the way to kiss and fondle each other. By the time they reached the bedroom Chris was in her scanty panties only and Joe in a pair of blue Jockey shorts that bulged magnificently.
Chris’ moved her hungry lips over Joe’s hairy body. Kissing his breasts and belly as her eager hands moved to strip away the blue shorts that hid what she so desperately wanted to hold.
Joe’s hands gently cupped Chris’ small, firm breasts. His thumbs moved back and forth over the stiff, erect nipples that seemed to pulsate with her desire. Chris moaned as her hands found and held Joe’s stiff cock. She slid to her knees as Joe settled slowly onto the bedside.
Moving her right hand gently along the shaft of Joe’s now throbbing cock Chris let her tongue move deftly over the glans and across the opening causing Joe to shiver and softly moan. Her left hand now held his firm testicles and rolled them gently back and forth. With a desire she could no longer control Chris slipped his stiff cock into her eager mouth sucking hungrily she slid the throbbing organ deep into her mouth again and again until she felt his body stiffen and her mouth fill with the salty token of his great arousal.
Whimpering and shivering with the intensity of her own arousal Chris lifted her face to Joe’s and whispered, “Please make me come like that.”
Joe lifted his lean, pliant body onto the bed and kissed her with an ardor she had not believed him capable of. His lips moved over her pulsating, vibrating body like embers flying from a searing fire. When his lips sucked and held one nipple and then the other Chris’ long shapely legs thrashed and her hips pitched with urgent need.
She wrapped her arms around his muscular body and pleaded, “Fuck me darling,” thrusting and grinding her hips in search of Joe’s stiff, long cock.
Slowly Joe guided his once more throbbing, eager organ deep into the wet, wanting cunt that Chris had eagerly spread wide for him. As he slid into her Chris squealed and wrapped her legs firmly around the strong hips. Holding him tightly to her now wantonly moving pelvis Chris thrust her eager body at her lover with increasing fervor. She felt him stiffen above her and as his organ began to beat within her grasping cunt she screamed with joy. Her body beat and jerked with the intense spasms of her orgasm as her hands tore at her lover’s smooth hairy back. She came again and whimpering softly, “Don’t leave me my darling,” as her eager cunt held tightly to Joe’s now limp cock.
They finally slept clinging to each other in sweaty relief from the paroxysms of joy that had rocked their bodies minutes before.
Chris wakened late. The sun was streaming through the bedroom window and the smell of coffee filled the air. It took her a moment to realize where she was. The rumpled bed and the delicious tingling of her almost sated body served as ready reminders.
Slipping out of bed she saw the Joe had thoughtfully placed a pair of slippers, far too large for her feet, and a rumpled robe, also too big, within easy reach.
As she rolled the sleeves of the robe back and slipped it on she wondered out loud, “Why is every piece of clothing this lovely man has rumpled? Well if we make this a habit maybe I can change that.”
Slippers flopping and the robe dragging she headed for the adjoining bathroom. She noticed a hair dyer in place on the lavatory and so took a long shower, shampooing her tousled blond hair thoroughly. As she sat drying it there was a knock on the door followed by Joe’s mellow voice asking, “Are you decent?”
“I’m not sure — I didn’t think I was too bad but you tell me.”
“You are a lecherous young lady with a dirty mind. All I wanted to know was if you were dressed to receive company carrying a glass of orange juice.”
“Oh. I misunderstood,” Chris laughed slipping on the robe. “Come on in.”
Joe, dressed in neatly pressed slacks and a well ironed sport shirt opened the door. He handed Chris a glass of orange juice and raised another in a mock salute before coming in and sitting on the closed toilet. Chris continued to dry her hair and could see Joe in the mirror watching her every move.
“You are a beautiful woman. If you’re half the nurse you are lover it’s no wonder they don’t want you wondering off to the land of greed.”
“Thank you. You’re pretty remarkable yourself,” Chris stammered turning beet red as she remembered their shared ardor. Suddenly she stopped working on her hair and said, “My God what time is it?”
“It’s past nine but don’t worry I got the Porsche into the employee’s parking lot at the proper time. If anyone of that Valley crowd was watching they would have seen a blond woman park the car and run for the hospital entrance — it was a member of my squad but at a distance she might resemble you.”
“You think of everything officer don’t you?”
“Not exactly. You thought of a few things last night I hadn’t even fantasized,” he said laughing. “Breakfast is ready so come on.”
After a breakfast of French toast, bacon and coffee Joe stood and began to clear the dishes. “You go get dressed because I have plans for both of us today.”
Chris did not object to the dismissal from the kitchen but she did object to the fact that she was still wearing clothes borrowed two days ago.
“Look, Joe I need fresh clothes. I’m wearing stuff Marilyn lent me.”
“Oh I forgot. My people moved a bunch of your things over to Lena and Stephi’s place. We used the blond cop again just in case your flat was being watched.”
“OK, I’ll get dressed but please get me to some clean clothes before we do anything else.”
It took less than an for the two of them to get to Lena and Stephi’s home. Joe had a key to the spare apartment the women had mentioned the evening before and after opening the door for Chris he handed it to her and said, “I’ll not see you until tonight. We may need you as a decoy for the operation we have planned but the day is yours. Just stay put.”
“OK sir,” Chris said executing a mock salute.
After Joe had gone Chris wandered around the three room apartment. It was clean, plainly furnished and completely devoid of any food.
“Shit. I have to stay inside and there isn’t a damned thing to eat,” she muttered.
Suddenly a thought struck her. “Is there a phone?” She ran through the flat and found none. “This is going to be one smooth operation,” she muttered opening one of several suitcases the police had brought.
She spent the next hour getting things stowed in drawers and in the bathroom. She went to the bed with some of her own linens and found it already made. “Thank goodness for a few things,” she sighed sitting down in a soft, green pastel colored chair.
She must have dozed. What wakened her with a start was a peculiar noise that seemed to be coming from the living room. Picking up a spike heeled shoe as a weapon she tiptoed quietly toward the noise.
It was a door buzzer. Someone was at her private entry. Chris pulled the away from the etched glass of the door and saw Lena carrying a tray covered with a napkin standing there.
“My God I thought that noise was a bomb or something,” Chris said, laughing shakily.
“Forgot to provide food and to warn the tenant of weird door bells. Sorry,” Lena said. “But I did bring us some lunch.”
“Great. I thought you worked today.”
“Naw, I have today off and Stephi has tomorrow. You settled in yet?”
“Yes. Thanks for making the bed.”
“No problem. Let’s eat this stuff while it’s hot.” Lena walked into the dining area Chris following close behind. Chris was very much aware that under her thin, pink, cotton jump suit Lena was naked. She could plainly see the outline of the tall woman’s lean, muscular buttocks through the thin material.
Chris who had finally gotten out of borrowed clothes and into her own loose fitting T-shirt and jeans wished she had donned more to hide her sexual excitement.
Lena put the tray of food down on the table and straightened up to ask Chris to get plates and flatware. Her pink jump suit covered but did not hide her tiny breasts with their large areolas and peg-like, erect nipples. As Chris walked into the Pullman kitchen she could feel the moisture of her growing desire flowing down her thighs from her again ravenous pussy.
Lena had prepared what she called her “down home meal” of chicken, biscuits, gravy and coleslaw. The two women sat next to each other at the small table and ate in silence. Chris was more than a little uncomfortable with her response to Lena’s tantalizing appearance. As the meal progressed she was also suddenly aware of Lena’s left thigh pressing insistently against hers.
As the meal came to an end Chris deliberately rubbed her thigh against Lena’s and felt a surprisingly strong response. She rose to clear the table and Lena said, “Let me help you.”
As they carried dishes to the sink Lena said, “You know that Stephi and I have been lovers and companions for years?”
“Do you know what has kept us from what is called, in our circles, ‘bed death’? The fact that neither of us is nor wants to be monogamous. With that said I want you to know I find you very attractive and I came up here to seduce you.”
Chris laughed softly. “You’ve succeeded — and it wasn’t the cooking.”
They stood looking at each for a moment or two and then Lena took Chris’ face in her hands and kissed her roughly and passionately. Lena lifted Chris’ T-shirt and her strong hands gripped her breasts her thumbs moving Chris’ nipples up and down. Chris was pinned between Lena and the sink. She shivered as Lena began to rub her nipples with her palms pressed hard against her firm, tiny breasts.
Chris felt her knees getting weak but Lena’s strong body now pressed against her held her upright.
Lena kissed Chris again forcing her tongue deep into Chris’ eager mouth. Chris began to suck at the older woman’s tongue as Lena moved a leg between her thighs and rubbed with great intensity. Chris struggled in Lena’s grasp and finally got her hands free to grab and tug at Lena’s full, erect nipples projecting teasingly beneath the pink jump suit fabric.
Lena now seemed to be pressing all of her weight against Chris’ pinioned body as her hands tore open Chris’ jeans and moved with swift and unerring accuracy to Chris’ wet, throbbing cunt.
As Lena’s fingers slid smoothly into her Chris gasped and tried to move against Lena’s restraining body. The more Chris struggled the wilder Lena’s movements with her tongue, fingers and leg became. Lena’s leg had now moved to Chris’ butt. As Chris thrust and wriggled, responding to her growing, excitement Lena’s leg deftly spread Chris’ firm buttocks. Chris became wildly excited as she felt Lena’s leg pressing resolutely against her quivering anus. Chris was emotionally beyond restraint. Her pinioned, fervent body struggled to express her ardor. With a cry of joy she released Lena’s tiny tits and threw her arms around the loving black women. Her body jerked and shook with a violently ecstatic orgasm. Her hands pinching and scratching at the thin material that covered the strong smooth back of her tantalizing new lover as spasm after spasm moved like a storm through her lovely and loving body.
When Chris finally opened her eyes she saw Lena’s deep, dark eyes sparkling with emotion gazing at her.
“You are a passionate child. Let me take you into bed,” Lena said hoarsely.
With remarkable ease Lena lifted Chris and carried her into the bedroom. Lowering her onto the bed gently Lena said, “Undress please dear.”
Chris’ trembling hands, stripped off her shirt and jeans. Like Lena she was naked under her outer garments. Looking up she saw Lena’s lovely face. She took it into her hands and kissed the beautiful woman tenderly.
Lena held onto Chris’ shoulders and lifted her shiny mahogany body onto Chris’. Keeping her arms stiff so that her tiny breasts and firm nipples hung free she whispered, “Hold my tits tightly.”
Chris’ fingers held Lena’s nipples and rolled them as the older woman’s hips gyrated rubbing her coarse pubic hair against Chris’ wet, ravenous cunt. Chris moaning with desire spread her legs wide and wrapped them around Lena’s gyrating and thrusting hips.
Lena moved wildly. Then with a sudden cry, she threw her head back, her hands gripped Chris’ sweaty shoulders and her pelvis jerked so that it pounded again and again against Chris’ eager box.
Chris climaxed violently as she clung to Lena during her pounding orgasm. Squealing with ecstasy she pushed her eager cunt up to meet Lena’s pounding thrusts. Her body seemed to convulse as she sought to bring her lover closer to ease her furious desire.
Panting and moaning the two lovers finally lay exhausted their sweat covered bodies pressed close. Finally, they slept.
It was passed three when Chris was wakened by Lena moving around the room.
“I have to get dressed and down stairs. Stephi will be home soon. She will have instructions from Joe about a trap he plans for the business people you met in the Valley.”
Chris stretched and slipped under the covers hoping Lena would let her go back to sleep.
“Come on Chris. Wake up and get dressed. I’ll tell you about Marilyn and Fred and especially about that cunt Betty Morales.”
Chris shot straight up in bed, “My God I forgot all about her. How do you know about that woman? It was just a chance meeting I thought.”
“Honey get dressed. You’re playing in the big leagues so you need some hitting instruction,” Lena said zipping up the skin tight pink jump suit and heading out the door.
Chris jumped out of bed looked at her wrinkled garments on the floor and stepped over them on her way to a shower. Dressed in fresh designer jeans a cowl neck sweater and soft soled loafers she trotted down the stairs. Lena wearing a loose cotton shirt and jeans and Stephi still in her uniform sat talking. Each held a small tumbler half full of whisky which they sipped from time to time.
As Chris walked in Stephi turned and said, “We were just talking about your assignment for tonight. Get a drink and sit down so I can tell you what Joe has planned.”
Chris walked over to the portable bar and opened a wine cooler. After pouring half of it into a glass she moved to the chair she had occupied the evening before.
“Tell me all about it Steph.”
“OK. He wants you to call Marilyn and arrange to meet her. Wherever she suggests except her residence. You might push for the club on the pretext of meeting some guys again.”
“Alright but what has he planned?”
Lena leaned forward and using her right hand for emphasis said, “He wants to get some people into that house. They think that other than the help that usually leaves by six Marilyn is the only occupant at the moment.”
“I’m the decoy is that it?”
“Yeah that’s it.”
“You can’t tell me that Marilyn gives a shit for me as a nurse for one of her hospital employers. There’s more to this than that isn’t there?”
Stephi looked at Lena and said, “I told you she was not going to be an easy one to deal with.” Looking at Chris she said, “You’re so right. They don’t need you for their stinking ICU they need you to take care of some illegals they’re bringing in. Once they get you so deeply involved that you will be too scared and too embarrassed to go to the authorities you’re theirs.”
“Uh huh. So I’m to act the playful little nymph for Marilyn and that’s it?”
“No, afraid not. The real hard case is Betty Morales and whoever is running her. They’re the bosses. You passed the screening test now you have to act like you’re really interested in what they have to offer.”
Chris sighed. “You guys know I don’t like any of this. I’m suddenly very content with my situation.”
Lena laughed and Stephi smiled.
“How about letting me into the dinner preparation arrangements. I’ll call and have some Mexican food delivered,” Chris said giggling.
Stephi rose and headed to the bedroom, “I’ll change and be back in a few minutes.”
Lena went back to the bar but only for ice.
“There is some risk to this you know. Joe and his squad will be around but if you want me to I’ll go with you. They don’t know me.”
“Thanks. I think I’ll rely on Joe and be grateful that you two will be waiting for me when I get back.”
It was somewhat later that Chris heard the phone and a mumbled conversation Stephi had with whoever was calling. She reappeared soon after dressed in what seemed to be the uniform of the day, jeans, soft cotton shirt and soft soled loafers.
“That call was from Joe,” she said looking at Chris, “your car is back in the parking area at the hospital. His blond detective will pick it up and drive it here. He wants the police to examine it to see what ‘repairs’ were made it so it will be quite late in arriving. Meanwhile make a date with Marilyn for about two in the morning.”
“Swell. I really am not happy with this situation,” Chris said. “Should I order supper?”
Stephi laughed. “No. Joe will be coming by and he’ll stop at El Tepiac to pick up our Mexican dinner for tonight.”
“Then I guess I’d better call Marilyn and see what can be arranged,” Chris muttered.
“No not until the time your shift would normally end — say eleven-fifteen tonight. The people you’re dealing with are greedy and dishonest but not dumb,” Lena said.
It was close to seven before Joe arrived arms filled with wonderful smelling packages and bags. Shouting as he entered, “Get your chimichongas, arros con polio and margaritas while they’re hot or cold or whatever.”
The four of them dug into the food without bothering to take it from the original cartons. The margaritas had to be served in small tumblers, and without the salt, but otherwise everything would have met the most discriminating aficionado’s requirements.
There was more food than they could possibly eat. When all finally agreed that they were full Chris and Stephi cleared the table and stored the leftovers in the fridge. Only after the kitchen ad dining room were once again spotless did they join Joe and Lena.
Joe had opted for the chair Chris had come to regard as hers so she dragged a straight backed dining chair into the living room before joining the conversation.
Joe smiled warmly as Chris reappeared. She thought, “Damn he looks rumpled again — like a little boy.”
“Chris I was just saying that this may be an interesting night and a long one. If you can get Marilyn to agree to a meeting. I would doubt that the club will be open but one never knows. What I would suggest is one of the late night spots in Manhattan Beach. Marilyn will know them all and have a preference,” Joe said.
Lena had leaned forward and appeared agitated as Joe finished. “Hold it right there. Those places in Manhattan Beach are not for the delicate or faint of heart. You’re not sending Chris into any one of those meat markets for sexual athletes without protection are you?”
“No. Once Chris knows where she is to meet Marilyn we’ll arrange to cover her.”
“Let’s suppose, as in the movies, they wont tell her until the last minute and she can’t get the information to you, what then?” Lena asked angrily.
Joe paused. He thought for a while and then quietly said, “They train you nurses to think don’t they? Good possibility you raised there Lena. Any suggestion to cover that possibility?”
Chris piped up, “She’s angling to go along as my protector. I think it’s too risky.”
Joe sat quietly. He was deep in thought. Finally, standing and stretching he said, “Lena go with her. They may recognize you but will probably discount your presence as nothing more than an attempt to rebut their recruiting blandishments. I think we may also give you a two way radio to use in a real emergency. I’ve got to go. See you later.”
As he walked to the door Chris rose and said, “I’m going to stretch out for a while. I’ll be awake by eleven. Lena thanks for your concern.”
Lena and Stephi sat quietly for a while each deep in thought. Stephi reached out and took Lena’s hand. “Margarita’s make me hungry.”
Lena smiled, “Yeah I know. Let’s see if we can get you fed before I have to go cruising the rough spots.”
Hand in hand they walked into their bedroom and as Lena quietly closed the door Stephi turned down the bed and dimmed the lights.
Before sitting down on the bed Lena stripped. Her lithe, brown body glowed in the softly light. Stephi undressed quickly letting her full breasts spill lusciously from her downy, restraining sweater. Her rich pubic bush glistened with desire.
She stood near Lena whose glowing eyes looked longingly into her flushed, eager face. Stephi bent down and kissed her loving friend passionately letting her soft, graceful hands stroke the tiny breasts and hard nipples until Lena shivered and moaned.
Then Stephi let her lustful, knowing lips and tongue stray slowly over Lena’s shivering, ardent body. She touched and kissed or sucked every sensitive and sensual area of her lovers now throbbing, trembling body until she dropped to her knees and buried her face in the damp forest of Lena’s prickly pubic mound.
Lena’s now leaning back on her elbows spread her legs as Stephi’s tongue probed artfully and deeply into her loving center. Her desire grew uncontrollably. She raised her legs and draped them over Stephi’s alabaster shoulders pulling the blond temptress firmly against her throbbing, richly wet cunt and stiff aching clit.
Stephi’s tongue stroked Lena’s clit briefly. Suddenly her lips moved over it’s tender, pounding tip and Stephi sucked until Lena could no longer restrain her arching body. With a groan and a sudden furious thrust of her hips she came filling Stephi’s hungry mouth with a warm, clear fluid, the token of her ecstasy.
Her legs held Stephi’s face firmly to her pussy. And Stephi’s loving hands clung tenaciously to Lena’s large, firm and full nipples. Slowly the wrenching orgasmic spasms passed and Lena reached lovingly for Stephi’s beautiful face and loving body.
Sliding onto the bed Stephi spread her legs and guided Lena’s hands to her sparkling, wet and urgent cunt. Lena’s right hand stroked the lips and spread them so that her fingers could slide gently and deeply into the already throbbing depth of Stephi’s wild hunger. As her thumb stroked Stephi’s firm, large clit she slipped two fingers into Stephi’s anus. Thus blond girl began to thrash and moan crying out in Danish as her body moved beyond conscious control.
Suddenly, Stephi raised her head and screamed. Her body stiffened and Lena felt the strong sucking, pushing pulsations of Stephi’s intense and prolonged climax as its waves coursed through her cunt and asshole. Her legs never stopped moving as the spasms shook her wondrous body again and again.
The convulsions of ecstasy passed slowly and as Lena knew would happen Stephi lapsed into a deep and tranquil sleep. Lena slid up beside her lover and took her in her arms. Finally, a tableau of black and white the two sated lovers slept.
Lena wakened quickly and looked at the bedside clock. If she was going to go with Chris she would have to hurry. Gently prying herself free of Stephi’s loving grasp she ran to the bathroom.
It was almost eleven when, dressed in appropriate attire, 501 jeans, Tattersal shirt and brown leather loafers she answered Chris’ knock.
Chris looked admiringly at Lena’s attire which was virtually a perfect match of her own. “Aren’t we a couple of tawdry fashion plates? Guess if we’re going to use the camouflage I’d better make my call.” She walked to the phone and after glancing at a piece of paper she pulled from pocket she dialed. There was a long pause. Chris shrugged her shoulders and was just about to hang up when she heard Marilyn’s sleepy voice.
“Hi Marilyn it’s Chris; Chris Diamond; you remember?”
The answer though fuzzy was affirmative.
Chris apologized for disturbing her and then suggested that they meet to discuss Marilyn’s proposition. When Marilyn requested a delay until the next afternoon Chris indicated both some urgency plus work requirements as reasons for an early meet.
The conversation went on for a while. Finally, Marilyn agreed meet Chris around one in the morning at a small bar on Melrose not too far from Hollywood.
Replacing the phone Chris turned to Lena and said, “She wasn’t exactly thrilled but she had a much to ready alternative meeting place didn’t she?”
“Yeah. Let’s see if we can reach Joe. We have a while before we have to leave. I know that bar where she wants to meet. It’s a homosexual bar for the folks into leather and hurting if you get my drift.”
Chris tried reaching Joe at home but got no answer. Lena then took over. She called the station Joe worked out of and the possible alternatives they provided without success. After a good half hour of trying she leaned back in the chair. “Only word of importance was a message at his home station to, ‘tell the Diamond woman her car has been bugged’. They don’t know how to reach him.”
“I noticed you didn’t leave any message either.”
“That’s right. The fewer who know the less chance of spoiling this. It’s drugs at the bottom of this you know?”
“Yeah but why go to all the trouble of getting nurses involved?”
“The drugs are smuggled in in condoms swallowed by the mules. You ostensibly will know how to remove the packages from the GI tract and what to do if one of the condoms should break. There have been more than a few deaths when cocaine or horse has been accidentally spilled into a mule’s stomach.”
“I understand and yet I don’t,” Chris said shaking her head.
“We can’t wait so let’s roll. We’ll use your car and no talking. Sing, talk to yourself but don’t let them know I’m in the car. That mean I get in from your side so that there’s only one door slam,” Lena said smiling.
“I honestly believe you’re enjoying this,” Chris laughed.
After donning sweaters the two women left the house.
The drive to the Melrose address took surprisingly little time. There appeared to be more than adequate street parking but Lena shook her head vigorously as Chris started to parallel park. She pointed to the sign indicating that the bar had “parking in the rear” and nodded her head.
The lot was almost empty. Chris looked for the red Ferrari but it was not there. Parking near an overhead light not far from the rear entrance to the bar Chris and Lena left the car being careful to maintain the secrecy of Lena’s presence.
As they headed for the entry door Lena whispered, “Let me go in first. I’ll find a table as near the back as possible. You give me a couple of minutes. Don’t act as if you know me when you come in. If I think it necessary I’ll make a blatant pass at you.”
“OK.” Chris replied turning and heading back to the car acting as if she had forgotten something. As she moved through the almost deserted parking lot she felt more than a little frightened. Nevertheless, she carried out her fake search for something in the car. Finally, she directed her steps toward the rear entrance of the bar again. On opening the door Chris was immediately struck by the smell of the place, a mixture of beer, cigarette smoke and sweat. The bar itself was seemed to favor crepuscular lighting probably as much to hide its tawdriness as to encourage drinking. It took Chris more than a few seconds to spot Lena sitting alone at a table off to one side of the front entrance to the place.
There were several other occupied tables. Among them Chris was conscious of one where two men were in amorous embrace and another with four large women all attired in leather of one form or another. She could find no one that seemed to represent Marilyn or members of her group.
Walking toward the bar, where scraggy haired woman stood arranging glasses, Chris feigned more bravado than she felt. She slid onto a stool and asked for a wine cooler. After paying for her drink she sat quietly surveying the room and sipping her insipid drink.
It didn’t take long for Chris to be hit on. One of the large leather encrusted women swaggered up to Chris and pushed her red, swinish face into Chris’, “You want to make it tonight dearie?”
“No thanks,” Chris said trying hard not to let the effect of the smell of bad beer and worse teeth had on her.
Reaching for her arm the big woman said, “Come on once you try it you’ll love it.” The bar tender had, to Chris’ relief, moved behind her. When the large woman grabbed Chris’ arm she said, “Susie, get your ass back to your table or I’ll have you thrown out again.”
The big woman moved away muttering. Chris turned and to thank the bar tender who acknowledged her politeness by saying, “It was nothing. I figured you look good enough to eat so I’d hate to see you have the shit knocked out of you. Just what the hell you doing in a place like this?”
“Waiting for someone.”
“You waiting for Betty Morales?”
“No but I know a Betty Morales does she come in here often.”
The bar tender laughed. “If you know Betty Morales you know she comes anywhere. Only kidding. The woman I’m talking about is pretty with dark and big tits who wants to fuck the world.”
“Sounds like we may be talking about the same woman. Do you expect her tonight.”
“Hell yes — what the hell…”
There was the sound of a scuffle and Chris looked over to where Lena had been sitting. Lena seemed to be standing on something. The bartender moved from behind the bar and yelled, “You OK?”
Lena called back, “Yeah but get this dyke out of here before I kill her.”
Chris followed the bartender to Lena’s table and saw that the big women named Susie was on the floor and Lena had a foot on her neck and an odd grip on one of her arms. Susie’s friends had not moved from their table.
As things settled down and Susie and her chums waddled out of the bar Lena whispered out of the side of her mouth, “Here comes the contingent.”
Chris turned and waved to Marilyn and to Betty Morales who had just walked in. Both were dressed in clothes one could only find on Rodeo Drive. Marilyn walked over to where Chris was standing with Lena and said, “Was there some trouble a few minutes ago?”
“Yes. I walked over to see if this lady needed help,” Chris answered. “Let’s us go somewhere and talk.”
“You know Betty Morales,” Marilyn asked. Chris nodded to Betty who had not taken her eyes of Lena. Lena was equally enchanted, her eyes fixed on Betty’s prominent cleavage. Marilyn laughed and said, “I guess she has something more important to take care off so we’ll talk at another table.”
As they moved toward the bar Chris saw Fred and Billy walk through the back door. They waved and gestured at a table near the door. Marilyn and Chris joined them.
“OK Chris what’s up?” Marilyn asked. “Well I am interested in your offer. But I have heard some things about the private Valley hospitals that I wanted to discuss with another professional. I figured you could steer me to the right person or people.”
“Oh sure. You could have asked that over the phone for God’s sake.”
“Not really. See I’m being pressured to stay. So even when I called you there were friends from the hospital around and I don’t want everybody knowing my business.”
“I understand. How about we all go back to my place and we can discuss this and maybe have a little party,” Marilyn said, with what she thought was a licentious leer.
Chris had seen Lena and Betty leave. She was rather surprised that Lena would let her libido override her concern for Chris’ safety. Chris obviously would have to play out the hand as best she could.
“Thanks for the invitation Marilyn. Ordinarily I would love to go back to the Valley but it’s the wrong time for me,” Chris said trying hard not to look at the two silent men.
“OK. Tell you what we better hurry back I’ll call you with names of who to contact tomorrow,” Marilyn said starting to get up.
“Uh-uh. Wont work Marilyn. If you leave messages they’re screened at the hospital. And a home I don’t have an answering machine. Give me a name or two now.” Chris knew that Joe needed all the time he could get to search so she had to try and stall.
Marilyn fumbled around in her purse. Chris saw a small plastic bag of white powder fall to the floor. She bent to retrieve it but Billy was much faster. “No wonder she always looks like she has just been wakened,” Chris thought. She was sure that what she had seen was coke.
Finally Marilyn found a small note pad and a pen. She scribbled a couple of names and phone numbers down and handed the to Chris. “Call these guys tomorrow afternoon. That way I’ll have contacted them and they’ll know who you are.”
“Great. Can I buy you all a drink before we split.”
Fred and Billy looked at Marilyn. She hesitated and then said, “Yeah you all order, get me a martini. I’ll go to the can meanwhile.”
Chris walked to the bar and felt Fred’s hot breath on her neck as she leaned forward to order for everyone. She turned quickly and said, “Not now Fred,” feigning anger she did not feel.
The bar tender served the drinks just as Marilyn, perky and smiling, reached the table. “That’s better,” she said grabbing Billy’s arm and rubbing her ample breasts against it. “You sure a little party wouldn’t suit you Chrisie?”
“Absolutely. I’m not into it when I fall off the roof.”
They sat for a few minutes more. It was evident that Marilyn was really lit up. She had steered Billy’s hand to one breast and she had the dazed, anxious look of a woman ready to cream at any moment.
Chris said, “I guess I’ll head home now. Thanks for coming out.”
She went to the bar dropped a five dollar bill as a tip and walked out to the parking lot. “Where in the hell is Lena?” she murmured. As she went to unlock the car door she saw someone moving in the back seat of the car parked next to hers. She slid into he seat and slumped down to wait and watch.
In a few moments the person in the next car turned her face toward Chris, it was Betty. Her eyes were closed and she was moving her head from side to side, her mouth open and her bare shoulders shaking.
As Chris watched Betty sat straight up her large, firm breast shining in the parking lot light. Chris expected to see Lena’s head come up but it was Fred’s face that she next saw.
Then Chris heard a soft whisper from the back seat, “Make a noise.”
Chris began to hum and rattle her keys while Lena crawled from the back seat into the front passenger seat. Then Chris started the car and drove off certain that the two lovers in the next car were too involved to have seen Lena.
The drive back to the house was quiet, quick and easy.
Once out of the car Chris turned on Lena and said, “Some back up you were. Her big knockers really turned you into a jellyfish.”
Lena smiled. “Those are sure perky boobs. That woman is a living, breathing sex machine. I was just following orders you know?”
“I don’t get it. Explain please.”
As they walked up the driveway Lena told Chris about Joe’s suspicions and instructions. “Joe believes that Betty is close to the top in the smuggling operation. They have known about her for some time. She is inclined to feel that she is invulnerable perhaps because she has influential people in her pocket.”
“Joe told me to go with you and if the opportunity presented itself I was to get to know her. I did that better than he anticipated. You however, were never without protection. The four ladies in leather were part of Joe’s group — only one was really a woman.”
“How did he know where we were going to be?” Chris asked.
“Why don’t you ask him he’s waiting inside I’ll bet,” Lena said skipping up the stairs and into the house.
Joe was sitting in the soft chair sipping a cup of cocoa and talking with Stephi. He stood when Lena and Chris walked in. Smiling warmly he said, “I’m glad it went as it did. We got our information out of Marilyn’s home — it’s not hers by the way — she rents it from a couple of Betty’s friends.”
Chris went into the kitchen and called to Lena, “Where do you keep the cocoa? It smells so good I’d like some.”
Stephi strolled in and said, “Go sit down I’ll make some for both of you carousers.” When the group was fully assembled again they tried to get information out of Joe. He declined to discuss the case. Instead he asked Chris for what information she got out of Marilyn.
Chris handed him the names and numbers of the people she was to contact. She also mentioned her suspicions about Marilyn being a coke head.
Lena confirmed her suspicions saying, “Betty told me that she is very concerned about Marilyn. She said ‘she has a big habit’.”
After a little more gossiping Joe rose and started to say goodnight. Chris took his arm and asked if she might talk with him in private. After saying good night the Lena and Stephi thy walked upstairs to Chris’ apartment.
As soon as they stepped across the threshold and closed the door Chris turned to Joe and threw her arms around him. “Darling please don’t leave me tonight.”
Joe held her tight and whispered between fervent kisses, “Were you that frightened?”
“No you idiot. I’m that turned on by you. I need you Joe.”
Chris’ hands worked at her rumpled lover’s shirt buttons as they moved, as in a slow dance, toward Chris’ bedroom. By the time they reached the bed Chris had Joe out of his shirt and most of the way out of his pants as well. Giving him a gentle shove Chris got him onto the bed. She opened her shirt and left it hanging around her arms whispering, “Undress me please my love.”
Joe’s hands moved quickly to her slacks and slipped them down so that they rested around Chris’ ankles. He then took her rigid, full nipples in his fingers and rolled them back and forth.
Chris gasped and as her legs grew weak with desire she slipped slowly down until she was sitting on the floor. Her hands reached for Joe’s erect, pink cock and she pulled it and him to her. Her eager mouth slid over Joe’s throbbing organ and as he began tugging at Chris’ nipples she slid her mouth down his organ letting her teeth graze the sides of his sensitive shaft.
Lifting her hips Chris was able to straddle Joe’s right leg and as she moved her head she rubbed her pulsating, wet cunt with increasing fury against Joe’s leg. She felt Joe stiffen and then tasted his massive explosion as it filled her hungry mouth.
It was only moments later, while Joe’s cock still beat against her lips and tongue, that she felt the sudden uncontrollable warmth of her orgasm sweep through her body squeezing her cunt and anus with a fury that made her groan with delight.
After a time Chris’ orgasms passed and she lay panting her head resting on Joe’s firm muscular thigh. Joe’s gentle, strong hands stroked her now disheveled, lush blond hair lovingly. With a sudden resolve Joe lifted Chris onto the bed and stretched out beside her to rest. It was close to six in the morning when Joe wakened. He looked ruefully at the clothes he was still tangled in. Chris was sleeping peacefully beside him. Leaning over he kissed her gently his heart beating faster as both desire and love for his ardent lover moved him.
Smiling sleepily Chris stretched and reached out for Joe. She giggled as she saw that her hands were still entangled in the now rumpled shirt she had worn. Slipping it off with difficulty she drew her bed partner close and kissed him tenderly. She felt his strong hands move over her body and she quivered with sudden burning desire. Her hands reached for Joe’s firm, erect cock and thrusting her hips up in eager anticipation she guided it deep into her already drenched cunt.
Joe’s slow thrusts against her gyrating pelvis were like sword strokes of pure delight. She whimpered and gasped as their rhythms of love joined. Her graceful legs wrapped themselves around her muscular lover and her delicate hands grasped and scratched at his smooth, solid back.
She felt him stiffen and then as his prick picked up the beat of his orgasm she shrieked with the indescribable ecstasy of her climax. Her yearning, avid cunt squeezed and sucked at the cock that filled her with joy. Her pelvis throbbed with spasm after spasm as she clung to her gentle, skillful lover.
It was late in the morning when Joe gently pried himself from Chris’ tender grasp. Kissing her soft lips, parted slightly in peaceful sleep he whispered, “I’ll see you tonight love.”
He quickly bathed and dressed in his now understandably rumpled clothes. Then gliding silently out of the room and down the stairs he headed for his home and a fresh wardrobe.
Despite the belated start he hoped this day would be the last one for his odd case that combined dope smuggling and trafficking in human misery. He also hoped it would be the day that would allow him to start a new life with the passionate, lovely Chris.
Meanwhile Chris lay peacefully sleeping. Renewing the strength and the ardor she had so willingly and lovingly spent the night before. Her pleasant dreams were interrupted by a light tapping on the front door of the flat.
Slipping into a light robe she ran barefoot to answer the summons. Stephi flushed and panting from her morning five mile run stood in the door way.
“Let’s have breakfast downstairs.”
“Great. Let me shower and slip into a sweat suit or something and I’ll join you,” Chris said.
Trotting back into the closed bedroom Chris smiled wistfully at the wrinkled, love stained sheets on her bed. She quickly gathered them up and piled them in the corner. Pulling fresh bed linen from a drawer in her dresser she remade the bed before showering.
About forty-five minutes later she ambled down the stairs, her arms filled with dirty linen. Stephi wordlessly helped her put everything in the washing machine and then said, “Judging from that you can use more than just cereal and milk for breakfast.”
Chris blushed and giggling replied, “Bacon and eggs plus cereal would be much better.”

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