Saturday, June 1, 2013


It was slightly past 11 a.m. when Sherry awoke. She was sobbing and only vaguely aware of the reason. Then, slowly she remembered her dream. She lay there recalling the details, conscious that her father was not in bed beside her. She could hear him rustling about in the kitchen, humming softly to himself. He was obviously in a happy mood. She had dreamed that she was old and fat and untalented. Tony Agnello had laughed when she had suggested they run away and get married. And her father had abandoned her and found a new young singer to manage — one with a decent voice. Why had she dreamed such garbage? Was it because she had sneaked the love session yesterday with Tony, felt guilty about cheating on her father who had been her confidant, lover, and patient advisor ever since she could remember? Yes, she had been cruel to Daddy, she decided, wiping away her tears. She would have to make it up to him some way. But what was she to do about Tony?
Tony Agnello was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened in her life and he genuinely cared for her, she could tell. Last night they had watched each other’s performances in admiration and they probably would have spent the night together if she hadn’t told him she had a few personal matters to straighten out and to be patient. They would be together again in a few days, she had explained.
Victor Redgrave emerged from the kitchen, beaming and carrying two cups. “It’s just instant coffee,” he said, “but I thought my lovely daughter might like some to greet the morning with.” He set the cups down on the nightstand, went to the window and opened the drapes with a flourish. The sunlight streamed in, filling the room. It was a beautiful sunny day and Sherry could see the deep green of the trees and the cloudless blue sky. Daddy’s mood puzzled her. The night before last had been a failure sexually and, last night, there had been no attempt at all at physical intimacy. It was some kind of record.
Sherry sipped at her coffee eyeing her father warily. “Why so chipper?” she asked.
“Oh, I don’t know,” he said. “Girls grow up and become adults and I guess their fathers have to realize this fact.” He smiled, sitting there beside her in his bathrobe, then reached out and patted her cheek. “In fact, their fathers have to grow up, too. I realize this now and I want to apologize for my behavior, dear.”
Sherry was touched. “That’s all right, Daddy. I understand. Everything’s going to be all right.”
“Of course it is,” he said. “In fact, if you like I’ll even begin sleeping in another bed from now on. You’ve grown up, dear. You’re entitled to your own life. You have a mind and will of your own.”
Somehow the thought of sleeping alone frightened Sherry. She had become accustomed to their after-work talks and lovemaking and Daddy in bed beside her. She did not wish to be lonely — all alone and lonely with nobody to talk to at night and in the mornings. Was Daddy playing some kind of game with her? Was this his way of punishing her? “What’s come over you, Daddy?”
“Nothing, my love. Nothing at all. It’s just as I said. I realize that I have no right to monopolize your time. Yesterday morning after I returned from the bank I looked all over for you. I found myself excited, even going to a rage because I couldn’t find you. I had you paged in the hotel and when there was no response I even had Tony Agnello paged, too. Then I put two and two together. Finally, I calmed down and accepted the fact you have your own life to live. I refuse to work myself into a lather ever again.”
“I’m sorry, Daddy. I ran into Tony in the casino and we… we did spend the day together. I-I hope you understand.”
“Understand? Of course I understand. That’s what I’m telling you. At last I understand. Any fool could see by the way you two were looking at each other backstage last night that you’re fond of each other. Who am I to stand in your way?”
“You mean that?”
“Yes, I mean that.”
Sherry flung her arms around her father, nearly spilling her coffee cup on the table. “Oh, Daddy, I feel so much better knowing you don’t hate me.”
They broke from their embrace and Victor Redgrave said, “Has my big girl made any plans with her boyfriend for today?”
“No,” Sherry said. “I haven’t planned anything.”
“Good. I thought we might drive over to the other side of the lake then. I thought we might play a little tennis and have brunch. There are some nice courts over at the North Shore.” He chuckled, holding up his hands and backing sway. “Purely platonic you understand. Just lunch and tennis.”
“Oh, Daddy,” she said. “You’re so funny. You’re wonderful.”
“Up and at ‘em,” he said. “Let’s be on our way, young lady.”
Sherry leaped from bed, hurriedly dressed and twenty-minutes later she and her father, wearing their white tennis outfits, were driving along the shore road toward the North Shore. There, they found some excellent public courts, deserted except for an elderly man and woman and what appeared to be their young daughter. They were alternating sets among themselves. Victor and Sherry began rallying leisurely in the late morning sun, the pohng… pohng of the ball on the cement court music to Sherry as they played in the delicious silence of the mountain landscape and the scent of pine. It was good to be young and back in her father’s good grace and she played with enthusiasm.
Young or old though, the high altitude made one short of breath, and after three games which Sherry won 6-5, 6-4, 6-2, she and her father were both breathless and agreed to take a long break. They sat on a bench next to the other court and wiped perspiration from themselves.
The other girl and her parents were also taking a break just beyond the fence.
“Pardon me,” the white-haired gentleman inquired, “I don’t mean to be rude, but aren’t you the young lady we saw at the Alpine Hotel last night? Aren’t you a singer there?”
“Yes, I work in the lounge at the hotel,” Sherry said smiling. “This is my father, Victor Redgrave,” she added.
They exchanged introductions and the girl was indeed the daughter of the elderly couple. They were the Whitcombs of Newport Beach, California, and their daughter who was about Sherry’s age was Sheila Whitcomb. They were a pleasant though slightly stuffy family and they made small talk about the beauty of Lake Tahoe and show business for a while before they resumed playing tennis. Before they parted Mrs. Whitcomb mentioned that Sheila herself sang and that they would look forward to seeing Sherry perform again in the lounge soon. They, too, were staying at the Alpine Hotel. Mrs. Whitcomb actually said, “Ta-ta,” as they parted and continued their respective games and Sherry and her father had to suppress their laughter at the formality of the family. This time, Sherry intentionally let her father win one game and they split 6-5, 6-3 before calling it quits and leaving for brunch at a nearby Swiss restaurant where they ate ravenously.
It was nearly three o’clock when they returned to their motel and they showered and then both eagerly lay down for their nap. Sherry’s attitude toward her father had changed and she permitted him to fondle her once they were in bed. He massaged her back and then she permitted him to work on her with the vibrators — the regular hand vibrator and the penis-shaped one which he inserted in her vagina and rectum. It was pleasant but somehow the old passion and fire was gone. She tried hard not to think of Tony Agnello as Daddy fucked her in the ass and massaged her clit skillfully, but the memory of yesterday’s love session with Tony and his marvelous prick kept interfering with her total enjoyment. Daddy’s prick was nice and hard and eager as he huffed and puffed behind her, plunging his organ into her greased rectum, but it was only with the greatest of concentration that she was able to achieve an orgasm. Her climax was good, naturally — climaxes always were — but it was probably one tenth the magnitude of her climax with Tony. Nevertheless the session seemed to relax them both and they were both ready to sleep.
They lay there groggily ready to drift off to sleep. Victor Redgrave said, “I want you to know, my sweet, that I expect you to live a life of your own from now on. No jealousy and no scenes. Do as you please whenever you please, with whomever you wish. Naturally you’re still only sixteen so there are some things you cannot do — like getting drunk in public or something like that — but you know what I mean. Now go to sleep, dear,” he said, patting her head. “We want to give a good performance tonight.”
“Yes, Daddy,” Sherry said, conflicting emotions warring within her. She wanted Tony Agnello more than anything but she loved her Daddy, too, especially now that he had become so understanding. She sighed and drifted off into a troubled sleep.
Before her first show, Sherry sat in her western costume ready to go on stage. She was talking with her father when there came a knock at her door. “Yes, who is it?” she called.
“Tony Agnello,” the voice called back. “May I come in? I’d like to talk with you a moment,” he said.
Sherry looked helplessly at her father who smiled and nodded approval. “Yes, Tony,” Sherry answered. “Come in.”
The door opened and Tony stood perspiring in the doorway. He had obviously just finished his first show. “Come in and sit down, Tony,” Sherry said. “Tony, this is my father, Mr. Victor Redgrave.”
They shook hands, Tony frowning.
“Oh,” Sherry explained quickly, “Sherry Trent is my stage name, Redgrave is my real name.”
Tony seemed relieved. “Pleased to meet you, sir,” he said.
Victor Redgrave then stood. “Well, you’re on in a few minutes,” he said. “I’ll see you upstairs after the show. Nice meeting you, young man,” he said, and left.
As soon as the door had closed behind him, Tony embraced Sherry passionately. “Where were you all day? I looked all over the casino for you, by the pool, everywhere.”
“My father and I went over to the North Shore and played tennis.”
“Jesus, I wish you had told me. I mean — I practically went nuts trying to find you. I-I missed you, Sherry,” Tony said.
“Well, you didn’t mention getting together when I spoke to you last night,” Sherry said, “so I thought you probably had other plans — maybe with those two other girlfriends of yours. I assumed maybe you wanted to go hiking again or something.”
Tony took her by the shoulders and shook her hard. “You mean after yesterday you really thought I’d want to be with somebody else? Are you crazy?” He pressed his mouth hard against hers, released her and said, “Tonight — after your last show — will you meet me? I have to be with you. Please.”
“All right, Tony,” Sherry said, bar heart beating hard.
“Let’s meet at the bar — The Crescent Room — and then we can go to my room, all right?”
“All right, Tony. The Crescent Room after my last show. See you then, sweet.”
Tony kissed her passionately and then left.
Sherry sat there mulling over something in her mind. It was apparent that Tony had become just as fond of her as she had of him. It occurred to her that if their relationship was to continue that he would have to know about her father. There could be no lies between them.
She didn’t want to risk losing him but it was best to let him know at once. Tonight. Yes, tonight she would tell him and let the chips fall where they may. She stood, checked herself again in the full-length mirror and left to start her first show.
None of her shows went well that night. Perhaps it was that she had made up her mind to tell Tony about her sexual relationship with her father and the anticipation of his reaction caused her to freeze up onstage. The shows were not bad, but they were noticeably below average. After the last show, even her father avoided mentioning the audience response and talked of other matters. He told her that the Whitcombs had caught her second show. They had thought her marvelous, he said, trying to cheer her up, but his efforts were to no avail.
She told him she was sorry she had let him down and he kissed her and said he understood. When she said she was meeting Tony he even smiled and told her that he would not wait up for her and to have a good time.
“Daddy?” she said before he left.
“Yes, love?”
“There’s something I want to do in our room before you turn in. Would you mind having a cup of coffee or something in the coffee shop so that I could have a few minutes alone there?”
“Of course,” he said, frowning. “But why so mysterious? I mean if you want to be alone with Tony there just say so. I’ll stay in my own room. I told you this afternoon…”
“No, it’s nothing like that. I-I just want to be alone there for a few minutes.”
Suddenly Victor grinned. “Ah, my little sweetheart wants to get her diaphragm, doesn’t she?” he said knowingly, almost relieved. “But there needn’t be any secrets between us. You don’t have to sneak.”
Sherry was glad he had made the wrong assumption, although suddenly it occurred to her that getting the diaphragm might not be such a bad idea. “Please just give me a few minutes alone, Daddy, without questions?”
“Whatever you say, my grown-up young lady,” he said, and left.
Sherry walked the short distance to their motel room, placed the regular penis-shaped vibrator in her overnight case, then tossed the diaphragm in, too. She felt slightly obvious carrying the overnight case into the Crescent Room back at the hotel but she met Tony who was sitting anxiously at a corner table and forced a smile as she sat down. “Sorry to keep you waiting,” she apologized, “but I had to go to my motel for a minute.”
Tony took her hand eagerly and kissed her cheek. Sherry noticed that people were watching them: people who had viewed each of them from the audience, envious cocktail girls, even the Whitcombs who sat at the far end of the room. She wished she had not brought her overnight case.
“I see you brought your things,” Tony said, spying the case and obviously delighted that she was planning to spend the night with him.
“Yes,” she said, forcing a smile and trying not to notice the eyes that peered at them from everywhere. She wondered if Tony would understand what she had to tell him.
“Is anything wrong?” Tony asked, concerned.
“I guess not,” she said. “I’ll be more relaxed once we’re in your room.” She realized that he had not even invited her to his room and she was glad when he nodded and grinned approval.
“I’m sure I can get us both something strong to drink,” he said. “I’m having a daiquiri. Would you like one, too? Entertainers have special privileges, you know. Even sixteen-year-old ones.”
“Fine,” she said. She knew she had better have something to stop her nervousness. Tony was right. The waitress served her the alcoholic beverage without batting an eye. Tony paid and left her a handsome tip. Then he took her hand in both of his and stared directly into her eyes. “God, I missed you today,” he said. “I nearly went crazy. I can hardly wait to get you alone in my room.”
Sherry made small-talk and sipped her drink which made her feel better. Finally, she was grateful when Tony suggested they leave. She felt that every eye in the room was on her as they left and walked through the casino to the elevator. Once they were in his room, though, it was still no better.
Tony kissed her passionately, pulled her to him and cupped her breasts. “You seem a little tense,” he said. “How about smoking some grass? It might relax you, okay, baby?”
“In a little while,” she said. “Maybe later. Tony, do me a favor, will you?” She sat on the couch and stared out at the darkness.
“Sure, anything. What is it?”
“Open my night case.”
He flicked open the case and stared inside.
Then he began laughing. “Oh, I get it,” he said. “My little sex bomb has a few implements for increasing the pleasure. Wow! Vibrators!”
He came over and knelt down on the floor before her. “So what’s wrong with that? I think it’s a great idea. What’s wrong with vibrators? There’s nothing to be ashamed of. Honest.”
He took her by the chin and made her face him.
“You don’t understand,” Sherry said. “There’s something I have to tell you. I told you that there was another man in my life. Well, he bought those vibrators and he’s been using them on me for a long time now. Oh, Tony,” she gasped, breaking into tears and burying her face in his shoulder. “I feel so cheap and awful. You’re going to hate me when I tell you the truth. But I have to tell you the truth. You’re the first person I’ve ever breathed a word of this to, but I have to tell you because I love you.”
“Don’t cry, baby. You know I’ll understand no matter what.” Tony stared at the vibrators, frowning. “Why do you have the vibrators with you here at the lake now? I mean…” — he shook his head — “… is he here at Tahoe?”
Sherry nodded, not facing Tony.
“Who is he then? You can tell me. I’m not exactly a one woman man. At least I haven’t been. You haven’t committed any crime, Sherry.”
“Maybe I have committed a crime,” Sherry said. “The most horrible crime imaginable.”
Tony came over and took her by the shoulders and shook her hard. “All right,” he said. “Enough games. Give me the whole story. Apparently some guy has been making love to you for a long time now and using these vibrators. How the hell he’s been following you around all this time and not getting seen by somebody, especially your father; I’ll never know, but he must be a pretty slick operator. Now who in God’s name is he?”
“He’s my father,” Sherry said, crossing the room and staring out the window with her back to Tony.
There was a long silence, then a low whisper.
“Jesus,” Tony said. “Since you were how old?”
“That lecherous, rotten, lousy, Goddamn son of a bitch,” Tony snarled. “A twelve-year-old! His own daughter! He’s not an ugly guy. He could have had women his own age. Why did he pick on you? I’ve heard about things like this going on in the back hills or some place like that, but I didn’t really believe it happened among intelligent people in civilized places. And you let him! All these years you just let him. You probably even liked it!” Tony’s footsteps crossed the room and Sherry knew he was near the door. “Okay, baby,” he said. “It’s been nice. I thought you were really something special, but this is just too weird for me to comprehend and I’m not a square! Give Daddy an extra hug tonight when you say good night.”
Suddenly Sherry turned and when she spoke her voice was not that of a sixteen-year-old. Even though she had known Tony a short time she knew she loved him. He could kick her out if he wanted to, but, by God, she was going to make him understand!
“Just a minute!” she commanded. “I can see you’re all very moral and wonderful. Naturally you’re incensed at this outrage to decency. All right go ahead and tell me to leave, but for your own education so that you will understand about these awful perverse things that happen in our society, you should know how and why such things came about. Do you think I just said, ‘Daddy, fuck me!’ and he said, ‘Very well, my dear, but first let me pick up a few vibrators down at the drug store.’”
“If you think you’re just going to walk out of your apartment and expect to find me gone without any explanation you’re crazy! Get over there on the couch and sit down!” she continued, surprised at the harshness of her own voice.
Tony hesitated, then, strangely, he obeyed.
“Now I’m going to give you a little insight. You’re going to be a little twelve-year-old girl. Remember that you’re twelve and you’re naive and you love your Daddy very much. He’s all you have ‘cause your mother’s a drunk someplace and you haven’t seen her in years, understand? Lie down there on the couch. Pretend it’s a bed. You’re in your own apartment and you’ve just finished your last show of the night.”
“For Christ’s sake,” Tony protested, starting to rise. “Let’s not be so ridiculous. I’m leaving…”
“Shut up and sit down!” Sherry yelled, crossing the room.
Tony did so, Sherry sat down beside his prostrate form.
“Now this may come a little difficult for you because you’re not a girl and you’re not twelve and I’m not your Daddy. No, you’re a big manly moralist who puts down anything so perverse as incest. But we’re going to play a game anyway. Remember your role and I’ll remember mine. If you step out of character once, I’ll-I’ll kick you in the balls, understand?”
Tony nodded. “A twelve-year-old girl with balls?” he inquired sarcastically.
“That’s what I mean,” Sherry said. “This is going to take a little imagination on your part, especially when I start playing with your hard-on and pretending it’s a pussy — a little girl’s.”
“Sherry, please…”
“Shut up!” she said. “Nothing matters except that when you leave here and decide to have nothing to do with me ever again, at least you’ll understand. Also, consider the fact that you’ll have one more orgasm to your credit if you play the game.”
Tony seemed resigned to play whatever weird game Sherry had in mind. He lay there, looking slightly uncomfortable and wondering just how he was to respond to his own father as a twelve-year-old girl. As though reading his mind, Sherry said, “You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to. Leave everything to me. I’ll create the mood and setting as best I can. Now, remember you’re in bed and you love me very much and you want to please me. It’s dark and I’ve come in to kiss you good night.”
Sherry kissed Tony tenderly on the cheek and began gently rubbing his back. She lowered her voice when she spoke. “You sang very beautifully tonight, my sweet. Daddy was very proud of his talented little performer.”
“Thank you, Daddy. Ummm, that feels good when you rub my back. I’m always glad when you’re pleased with me. They did applaud a lot, didn’t they?” Sherry said. She spoke in a high-pitched voice as she did the little girl’s part.
“Yes, they did applaud, love, and now that you’re getting older it’s time we talked of — well, adult things. I love you very much and I want you to be happy and whenever you do on especially fine job I think you should know about it. I believe in rewards.”
“Oh, you’re wonderful, Daddy, to think of rewarding me. Ummm, that feels nice the way you’re rubbing my back and bottom. I like you to rub me all over that way, Daddy. Is that my reward?”
“Yes, my dear. Partly.”
Sherry’s hand stole from Tony’s back now and began massaging his firm pectoral muscles and rubbing even as far down as his stomach. She began unfastening the buttons of his fly. He didn’t try to play his part. He remained speechless and stared at her in amazement, as though he had been transported in time, reliving something that had happened long ago.
“But you must remember,” the deeper voice of Sherry went on, “that the things we talk about and do from now on are secret. They’re our special things and we should never tell anyone about them, all right, dear?”
“Oh, yes, Daddy. You never touched me there before, did you? Is it all right? Is it part of my reward?”
“Anything we do together is all right as long as it’s our secret, do you understand?”
“Yes, I understand, Daddy. I’ll never tell anybody about our secrets.” Sherry took Tony’s big arms and encircled them about her neck and made him plant a childish kiss on her cheek.
“These little bumps on your chest are tiny now, but soon they will grow and you will have the breasts of a woman.”
“I know. It feels nice when you massage them that way.”
“Being a woman carries certain responsibilities and certain pleasures. Part of your reward — our secret reward — is my showing you some of the pleasures involved in being a woman, sweet. You’re a very lucky girl that I’m bothering to tell you these things, aren’t you?”
“Oh, I know I am, Daddy. And it feels so good, too. I feel all mushy down there where your finger is touching my thing.” Sherry had Tony’s cock out. It was fully erect and dribbling as she slowly jacked his member up and down.
“It’s perfectly natural for you to feel a nice tingly — mushy, as you say — sensation down there. That’s your vagina, sweet.”
Sherry took Tony’s hind and, after slipping out of her dress and panties, placed his hand between her legs and the other on her firm breasts (the actions didn’t fit the words she spoke but she wanted him to parallel the feeling and the mood of the incident she was trying to re-create).
“This is my penis,” she said, rubbing Tony’s hand up and down her gushing cunt. “You’ll notice it gets nice and hard. That’s because nature made it so that it could stick in your vagina. It feels just as nice when you touch it as you are doing now as it does when I play with your little bump there which is called a clitoris.”
“It does feel nice,” Sherry went on. “Ummm, your thing is so nice and hard it’s just like a big poker. Does it really feel good, like my clitoris feels when you touch it?”
“Yes, sweet. Better than anything. You may call it a poker if you want. But some people call a poker a cock or a prick, too. And your clitoris is often called a clit. Some people call a vagina a cunt or a twat or a slit. Mostly it’s a pussy. Does your pussy feel good?”
“Ummm, it’s wonderful, Daddy.”
“Good. That’s the way it’s supposed to feel. This is all part of teaching you — all part of your special, secret reward — about growing up.”
“Are you going to stick your poker in my pussy?”
“Pretty soon, dear. We’ll see. First, there are lots of nice things adults do before they put the poker in the pussy. One of the nice things I’m going to do is kiss your pussy and make it feel good before I stick the poker in. Pokers can make babies when they’re stuck in pussies.”
“Are you going to give me a baby, Daddy?”
“No, you’re too young for that, darling, and besides daddies and daughters aren’t supposed to make babies together. That’s another reason why your reward is secret.”
Sherry was licking at Tony’s nipples furiously now and jacking his immense prick faster with one hand and massaging his gargantuan testicles with her other hand. “Your breasts — your titties — feel nice now, don’t they?”
Tony had fallen into his role now, for he actually answered Sherry for the first time. “Oh, yeah, baby,” he grunted, thrusting his prick hard and moving his hips as he responded to her manipulating hand at his genitals. Now Sherry made a licking descent from Tony’s nipples and let her tongue play over his rib cage and navel and then to his pubic hair. She kept jacking his cock off but let her tongue work all around the organ which stood jutting into the air. She tickled his inner thighs and even as far down as his knees with her darting tongue. Finally, she treated his balls to her tongue-twirling and he groaned and held her face in his hands. She took each testicle one at a time and cleansed it thoroughly.
“Your cunt lips feel good when I lick them?” she asked, lapping at the pulsing, melon-sized nuts. If she had not grown so excited herself while in the process of playing the role of her own father, the idea of calling Tony’s balls cunt lips and the thought of sucking on the huge cock which she would refer to as a pussy would have struck her as amusing. The main thing was that Tony was getting the idea. At least, she hoped he was. Certainly he was aroused. Whether or not he would understand what it was like for a twelve-year-old daughter to be seduced by her skilled and smooth-talking father was something else. It would require a most special ability to put himself in another’s place — a trusting girl’s place! It would require a unique empathy which Sherry was fearful very few men possessed.
“Yes, that feels good on my cunt lips,” Tony said.
Sherry was amazed. Was her approach working? Was she getting through to this man who just minutes ago had expressed shock and horror at the thought of a father seducing his own daughter? Apparently her tactic was working, for he had just referred to his own balls as cunt lips. She thought she would try him a bit further. She ran her tongue over the dripping head of his prong tentatively, then asked, “And do you want me to suck your pussy, my little sweet?”
“Yeah,” Tony said. “Hurry up and suck my p…”
Despite herself, Sherry very nearly broke into laughter at Tony’s hoarse voice calling his own male member a pussy. She settled down ambivalently to the task of mouthing the bone hard shaft. It was easily the most huge and delicious lollipop she had ever drawn between her lips — she had proved that on their previous love marathon — but at the same time it was all important for Tony to be convinced that, in reality, she was innocent of any crime in having sex with her father. That was the reason for trying to re-create the very first time her father had seduced her. If it were possible for Tony to understand how her father had skillfully led her — initially tricked her — then artfully used her and educated her all these years to the point where she actually enjoyed sex with her father, where she had actually become addicted to his advances because, in a sense, she’d believed their relationship was normal (even if it were a secret) then Tony might be able to forgive her and love her. This was a weird, wild and desperate gamble, but she was convinced that she loved Tony enough to attempt anything.
Tony was writhing like a maniac now as she once again took the huge hunk of meat deep into her mouth and began inserting it down deep into her throat. Of one thing she was certain: no woman had ever been able to take his entire organ totally into the warmth of her oral cavity. Tilting her head in just the right position she was able to play the role for the second time of flesh sword-swallower.
She jiggled his huge balls as she brought him nearly to the point of orgasm, then she raised her head high to let his wanger clear her mouth and, still administering stimulation with her hand, again assumed her role of little girl. In her high-pitched voice, she said, “Oh, Daddy, that felt better than anything that ever happened to me. Oh, that was so wonderful. I want to sing better than ever and make you happy so you’ll do that every night. Are you going to stick your poker in me now? Up in my pussy.”
“In a little while, dear. I’ll stick my poker in your pussy and it will feel better than anything. Do you see what nice rewards await you if you make the audiences happy and get lots of applause and do what Daddy tells you always and keep our secret?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” Sherry continued. “But I don’t see how it can feel any better than that. I felt all tingly twice. I felt big waves of something wonderful run all over my body while you were kissing my pussy just now.”
“Perfectly natural, my love. That’s called coming. And when I stick my poker inside you and shove it in and out you’ll come in a different way. When I stick the poker inside you it’s called fucking. You’ll like that too. What you’re doing to my poker right now — going up and down on it — is called jacking off. But you don’t use these words when you go to the doctor. Your pussy is a vagina and my poker is a penis. Fucking is sexual inter-course. And your cheat bumps — your titties — are breasts. Do you understand? That’s very important.”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Now before we proceed further — before I fuck you — I want you to kiss my poker a little. Just give it regular kisses at first and then gradually take it in your mouth, the way grownup ladies do, and go up and down on it. I won’t come inside your mouth because when a man comes he shoots out his sperm and I want to talk to you more before I shoot my sperm in your mouth. Tonight I want to shoot my sperm inside your pussy with my poker after you’ve kissed me down there, all right?”
“Is your sperm like the sticky stuff on your poker now?”
“Somewhat. But that’s only lubricant that makes it easier for the poker to go inside your pussy. Sperm is thicker and whiter. I’ll show you after you’ve kissed my poker for a while.”
“Okay, Daddy.”
Now Sherry was not certain Tony would go along with this instructive game. Under the circumstances, he might not feel that sucking her pussy was appropriate. To her delight, though, he did place his head between her legs when she shoved his head in that direction. His tongue instantly began making delicious oral love to her vagina and clitoris the moment it made contact. If anything, he was even more voracious in his gobbling than he had been during their previous fuck and suck session. She didn’t tell him but she came twice rapidly in succession, although he must have guessed by her squirming and frantic pelvic thrusts and tearing at his hair and intense moans of pleasure.
Shortly after her second climax, she lifted his cunt-drenched face after letting go of his erection, stuck her finger deep inside her vagina and fed him a single drop of pussy juice. “See, my sweet, you have made me lubricate tremendously. Now, I’m going to jack off and show you what sperm looks like when it comes spilling out a male prick, all right?”
“All right, Daddy,” Tony said, obviously dazed and in a semi-trance.
Sherry took his wrist and held his hand against her clit and began rubbing it back and forth. After his oral lovemaking she really didn’t wish to come a third time just yet, so she feigned an orgasm and said, “Look, my lovely daughter, the sperm is shooting out now. See it shoot out.”
“Yes,” Tony said.
She offered another taste of her love juice then and he smacked his lips. Now she spoke, playing the role of the daughter again since he seemed to be at a loss for words. “Oh, Daddy, it tastes different from what I thought. Now will you stick your poker in me end fuck me, please?”
“Very well, my love. But first we must rest. People always rest after they’ve come before caning again, particularly a man after he has spurted his sperm.” Actually, Sherry did want to rest before she came again. But she knew that Tony must be eager to shoot his load since be hadn’t done anything but indulge in foreplay thus far.
She lit a cigarette and lay back beside him and continued to fondle his rigid organ until she felt up to taking his giant hunk of meat between her legs.
“All right, Daddy,” she said in a high voice, “but I wish you’d hurry. I can hardly wait to see what it’s like when you stick your poker in my pussy. I want to fuck.”
“Be patient, love. In a few minutes you’ll know. Do you like Daddy’s secret reward for your performance tonight so far?”
“Oh, it’s heavenly. You’re the most wonderful Daddy in the world. I’m going to get standing ovations every night to make you happy.”
“Good. I want you to try hard on the stage. You’ll be tremendously successful and earn these rewards and Daddy’s praise, I’m sure.”
Finally, knowing that poor Tony could probably restrain himself no longer, Sherry squashed her cigarette out in the ash tray. Then, instead of lying on her back, she straddled him (somehow it seemed a more apt position if she were going to drive home her point dearly and emulate a male indoctrinating his daughter in the art of sexual intercourse).
Slowly, she began easing the huge head of Tony’s prick into the channel of her cunt, tonguing his ears and eyes and fondling his nipples as she did so. “While Daddy eases his poker into you I want you to notice how nice and hard and hot it is. It wants to be inside your cunt-pussy and shoot more sperm in there, do you understand?”
Again, Tony needed no prompting, and Sherry was glad. She had begun to feel a little like a ventriloquist and his dummy talking back and forth to herself in different voices.
“Yeah,” Tony grunted, shoving his prick in harder and moaning. “That poker feels good in there, Daddy,” he said.
They were fucking now, the roles gone for a long time, Sherry could tell. Oh God, the biggest prick in the world was jabbing way up inside the hot velvet of her, tearing and jabbing and it almost hurt but felt so good at the same time. She grabbed his balls in her hands and lifted the entire scrotum so that the flesh sac rubbed against her anal cavity as he reamed her.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” she screamed. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me! Fuck my cunt, you beautiful dream man!” God, the roles were getting all confused. She didn’t know who she was or what she was attempting. She wanted only for the stiff pole to stab and jab her harder and harder until she came.
Tony was off in a dream world, too, as his ass thumped and wagged and his pelvis ground savagely into her. He had her globes that hung limply from her chest in his mouth now and nursed loudly on each nipple. Then he squashed both of her tits together so that he could suck on both nipples at the same time. With his free hand he ran his finger around the perimeter of her dribbling cunt and pulled at her ass and occasionally fingered her asshole. The hand was everywhere.
Despite her willingness to go on fucking this way forever without props or anything, Sherry remembered that she had to explain to Tony the why of her yielding to her father. She had to explain how a little girl could have been addicted to whims of a diabolical older man — her father. Gasping and leaping like a cowboy riding a bucking bronco as a result of Tony’s powerful thrusting cock, she managed to reach out to the nightstand and grab the prick-shaped vibrator. Fortunately she had had the presence of mind to plug it in to the electric mains earlier. Then, very gently, as they fucked, she somehow managed to hold Tony still enough and, at the same time turn him slightly over on his side, so that she could press the buzzing instrument into the crevice of his ass. Getting the vibrator into his cleft was no problem, but inserting it into his asshole was something else. Finally, with the aid of some of her own juice she was able to moisten the end and find his anus. Then, slowly, she eased the fake, humming cock inside his asshole. It was a crucial moment, for it was entirely possible that Tony might not even like the sensation.
When the instrument was in to the hilt, Tony let out a whoop that Sherry was sure could be heard in every room on the tenth floor of the hotel. At first Sherry thought fearfully that his yell was one of shock, even pain, but when he began groaning and spreading his legs apart farther, she knew he had learned what she had experienced so long ago… in a rectum instead of a pussy. It must have felt very much, Sherry thought, like getting fucked by a man in the cunt while reamed in the asshole at the same time, or like having the vibrator plunging in and out of her cunt as her Daddy fucked her with his prick up her rectum. She felt certain that Tony was getting the idea.
And now it was good that Sherry herself was about to reach the heights, for Tony began huffing and puffing and sobbing unintelligibly as he thrust frantically. “Coming now… coming now! Oh, baby!” he yelled.
“Me too,” Sherry said, jabbing harder with the vibrator. “There… Oh, me tooooooooo…”
They lay side by side and Sherry managed to withdraw the vibrator and toss it on the floor. After a long time, Tony said, “I never had an orgasm like that, ever! Oh, Jesus and yow, rat of a father used that on a girl — an impressionable little girl. What a bastard! I hate him, Sherry, but I get your point. I-I honestly don’t blame you.”
“Oh, darling,” Sherry said, showering him with kisses. “I love you and I know it was a crazy thing to do, but I couldn’t just let us split without trying to make you understand.”
“I love you too, sugar, and believe me I can see how a trusting daughter could be lured into a scene like yours. He’s a clever, unscrupulous man all right. We have a lot to talk about. I-I haven’t known you very long, I know but what I have to say might make a big difference in your life.”
Sherry felt wonderful as Tony crushed her in his powerful arms. She would spend the entire night with this beautiful, understanding man. And tomorrow morning? Well, that would be up to him.

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