Saturday, May 18, 2013

पंखी पता नहीं बताते

दोस्तो, मेरा नाम शकील है। मैं एक बार ट्रेन में मुंबई का सफ़र कर रहा था, वैसे भीड़ तो न थी और ट्रेन खाली थी। ट्रेन रुकते ही एक आदमी गुजरात के आनंद से चढ़ा, आकर मेरी बगल में जगह थी तो बैठ गया। थोड़ी देर बाद उसने मेरे बारे में पूछा। मैंने उसे अपना नाम बताया। उसने अपना नाम राकेश बताया। वो कह रहा था मुझे वापी एक कंपनी में काम से जाना है, कल के मिलने का समय तय है, आज दमन जाऊंगा और एकाध बोतल विहस्की पिऊँगा।
उसकी बातें चल रही थी और ट्रेन बहुत धीमी चल रही थी कि अचानक बीच में रूक गई। आधा घंटा हो गया मगर ट्रेन चलने का नाम नहीं ले रही थी। राकेश ने मुझसे बातों का दौर चालू रखा, उसने अपने सफ़र की कहानियाँ सुनानी शुरू की। वो बातें कर रहा था, उतने में गार्ड ने आकर कहा- ट्रेन का इंजन फेल हो गया है, देर लगेगी।
राकेश तो बेफिक्र होकर बातों में लग गया। उसने कहा- यार शकील, अपनी एक सच्ची कहानी सुनाता हूँ।
हम पटरी के किनारे पेड़ की छाँव में बैठ गए।
उसने बताया- शकील सुनो, मैं एक काम से शोलापुर जा रहा था। ट्रेन न मिलने के कारण मुझे बस में सफ़र करना पड़ा, मैंने मुंबई से बस पकड़ ली, सोचा यही सही।
बस में बहुत कम लोग थे। कोई सीज़न नहीं था। बस नवी मुंबई में आ गई। जैसे रुकी तो दो बुर्के वाली औरतें बस में चढ़ गई। यहाँ-वहाँ देखने के बाद एक औरत मेरे बाजू में बैठ गई।
मैंने सोचा- बस खाली है तो दोनों साथ ही क्यों नहीं बैठी।
मुझे कोई ऐतराज नहीं था।
बस ने मुंबई छोड़ने के बाद स्पीड पकड़ ली। मुझे हल्की सी नींद आ रही थी। मैं अदब से हाथ बांधकर सो रहा था और मुझे ख्याल ही नहीं रहा कि मेरा हाथ उस बुरके वाली को लग रहा था। जैसे मुझे इस बात का पता चला, मैंने उसे कहा- मैडम मैं उठता हूँ और आप अपने साथ वाली औरत के साथ बैठो ! मैं कहीं और बैठता हूँ।
तो उसने मुझे मना किया और वहीं बैठने के लिए मजबूर किया।
थोड़ी देर बाद हाइवे पर एक ढाबे के पास बस रुकी वो और उसकी सहेली उतर रही थी और अचानक उसने मुझसे कहा- चलो चल कर थोड़ा टांगें खोल लो।
मैं भी उतर गया। उसके साथ वाली महिला खाने की चीजें लेने आगे चली गई। उसने मुझे एक कोने में बुलाया और पूछा- कहाँ जा रहे हो?
मैंने कहा- मैं शोलापुर जा रहा हूँ, और तुम?
उसने कहा- मैं शोलापुर के पहले उतरूंगी।
उसकी सहेली कुछ बिस्कुट और वेफर और थम्स-अप ले आई। मैंने सोचा कि अब दोनों मिलकर खाएँगी। मगर दोनों ने मुझे भी खाने में साथ देने कहा। मैंने थोड़ा सा बिस्कुट लिया और कहा- बस आप खा लो, मैंने टिफिन मुंबई से बंधवा लिया है।
बस के ड्राइवर ने हॉर्न बजाया, हम बस में बैठ गए। वो मेरे और करीब आई और रात का अँधेरा होने लगा। बस की बत्तियाँ बुझा दी गई ताकि ड्राइवर को चलाने में तकलीफ न हो।
यह देखकर उसने अपना बुरका हटा दिया पर अँधेरे के कारण मैं कुछ देख नहीं पा रहा था। अचानक उसने मेरी जांघ पर हाथ रख दिया और कान में बोली- क्या नाम है?
राकेश ! और तुम्हारा?
वो बोली- मेरा नाम शबाना और उसका नाम है रुखसाना। मगर मुझे शब्बो अच्छा लगता है।
उसकी हिम्मत बढ़ गई। मेरे छाती पर हाथ फेरने लगी। मैं कुछ न बोला पर थोड़ा सहम गया। उसने मेरा हाथ पकड़ कर बुर्के के अन्दर अपनी छाती पर रख दिया।
आआआह क्या सकून मिला।
मैं समझ गया कि शोलापुर तो बाद में आएगा, पर अब सेक्स का शोलापुर आने वाला है।
उसने धीरे से मेरे लौड़े को पकड़ लिया। बस फिर क्या था लौड़ा टनाटन हो गया। मैं अपने को रोक नहीं पा रहा था। मैंने भी उसके नीचे हाथ फिराना शुरू किया। खेल जम ही रहा था कि इंजन के पास बस में आवाज आने लगी।
ड्राईवर ने कहा- बस बिगड़ गई है, जैसे-कैसे डिपो ले चलता हूँ। मरम्मत होने में कितना वक्त लगेगा, मालूम नहीं।
मैं तो चकरा गया। अरे समय पर पहुँचूंगा या नहीं?
कैसे-कैसे बस डिपो पहुँची। थोड़ी देर बाद मिस्त्री ने आकर कहा- बस ठीक होने में दो-तीन घंटे लगेंगे और इस डिपो पर दूसरी बस भी नहीं है।
सारे लोग उतर गए। कुछ लोगों को नजदीक ही जाना था उन्होंने अलग इन्तज़ाम किया और चले गए। हम तीनों भी उतर गए, सोचा कि कहीं साधारण सा होटल मिले तो मैं आराम कर लूँ।
वो दोनों शब्बो और रुखसाना भी मेरे साथ चल पड़ी।
शब्बो ने कहा- क्यों ? हमें ऐसे अकेले छोड़ कर जाओगे?
मैं- चलो, तुम भी दूसरा कमरा ले लो !
शब्बो- नहीं हम तुम्हारे साथ रहेंगे।
रुखसाना- हाँ !
मैं- पर यह कैसे हो सकता है? और मैं तो.... !
शब्बो- कुछ मत बोलो, चलो, कमरे ले लेते हैं।
हमने एक साधारण सा कमरा ले लिया, उसमें एक पलंग और मेज और पंखा और लाईट थी।
कमरे में जाते ही........
मैं- तुम दोनों ऊपर सो जाओ, मैं नीचे किसी तरह आराम कर लूँगा।
तब शब्बो ने अपना असली रंग दिखाया।
शब्बो- अरे चिकने ! आराम की बात छोड़ो। अब तुम दो शेरनियों का शिकार हो। रुक्कू ! तू कह रही थी न कि तुझे चुदवाना सिखना है ! ये देख ! है न मस्त मर्द?
ऐसा कहकर शब्बो ने बुरका उतार दिया।
बाप रे ! क्या हीरा छिपा था। उसने सिर्फ सफ़ेद कसी हाफ पैंट और लाल टी-शर्ट पहनी थी।
उसकी सहेली रुखसाना- एरी, क्या लग रही है साली ? तूने ये कपड़े पहने और मुझे बताया भी नहीं?
शब्बो- रुक्कू ! तू बोल रही थी कि किसी अनजाने से चुदवाना है ताकि काम भी हो और बदनाम भी न हो ! तो यह मौका मिल ही गया। अब तू एक तरफ़ हो जा। राकेश, पलंग पर बैठ।
मेरे बैठते ही वो मेरे गोद में बैठ गई और मेरे छाती के बालो में हाथ फिराने लगी। उसके नर्म और बड़े बड़े कूल्हे ललचा रहे थे।
शब्बो- हे सेक्सी, आज एक औरत तुझे चोदने के लिए मजबूर कर रही है, कभी ऐसा मौका मिला है?
उसने एक-एक करके मेरे सारे कपड़े उतार दिए। मैं अब पूरी तरह नंगा था। उसने झपटकर मेरे लौड़े को मुँह में ले लिया। मेरे मुँह से सिर्फ आआआह के सिवा कुछ नहीं निकल रहा था। उतने में रुकसाना ने भी अपने सारे कपड़े उतार दिए। वो भी काफी सेक्सी थी।
शब्बो- साली रांड ! रुक मैं अभी तक इसे चख रही हूँ, उसके पहले ही तू तैयार हो गई? ऐसे ठीक नहीं ! देख मैं पहले चुदवाऊँगी और मुझे देखकर तू चुदवा लेना !
रुकसाना ने मुझे इशारा किया कि मैं शब्बो को नंगा करूँ।
इधर शब्बो मस्त हो गई थी।
शब्बो- रुक्कू (रुकसाना को) मैंने इस भड़वे को बस में ही देख लिया और जानबूझ कर इसके पास बैठ गई। सोचा इससे हम शोलापुर जाकर चुदएंगे और वहाँ से वापस गुलबर्गा की दूसरी बस पकड़ेंगे। मगर इन्तजार नहीं करना पड़ा। मौका अपने आप चला आया।
मैंने अब शब्बो को कस कर बाहों में ले लिया। उसके चूचे एकदम कड़क थे।
मैं- शब्बो, तेरे गेंद तो जबरदस्त हैं।
रुक्कू- राकेश, यह दो बच्चों की माँ है। फिर भी कैसे टनाटन है। हमारे मोहल्ले में इसकी एक झलक के लिए लोग तरसते हैं।
शब्बो- यह भड़वा तो नसीब वाला है कि इसे ऐसे गेंद खेलने के लिए मिले, वरना यह शब्बो किसी आंडू-पांडू को घास नहीं डालती।
मैंने उसकी गांड पर हाथ फेरना चालू किया। क्या मुलायम गांड थी। मैंने उसकी गांड को चूम लिया।
शब्बो- राकेश, उ उ उ उ ह ! बहुत अच्छा लगता है। भड़वे, मेरी टी-शर्ट खोल, पैंट खोल ! मुझे पूरी नंगी कर अपने हाथों से।
मैंने धीरे धीरे करके टीशर्ट और हाफपैंट खोल दिए। वो साली काली ब्रेज़ियर और काली पैंटी पहने थी। गोरा बदन और ये काले कपड़े ! साली मस्त लग रही थी।
मौका पाकर रुक्कू ने उसके गेंदों की बाजी उसके हाथ में ले ली। मैंने शब्बो को पलंग पर लिटा दिया और उसकी दुकान को चाटना शुरू किया।
शब्बो- रुक्कू, अब अपनी चूत मेरे मुँह में दे। आ स्साली ! तुझे भी सिखा दूं कि चुदवाते कैसे हैं !
अब उलटा होकर राकेश का लौड़ा चूसना शुरू कर ! और मैं तेरे कुंवारी चूत को रस से तैयार कर दूँ।
रुक्कू ने तो कमाल किया, झट से शब्बो के ऊपर आई और मेरा लौड़ा चूसने लगी।
और शब्बो ने उसकी चूत में आहिस्ता से दो उंगलियाँ घुसा दी। रुक्कू की एक सिसकी आई और फिर शब्बो ने उसके चूत का रसपान शुरू किया।
थोड़ी देर बाद शब्बो पलटी और रुक्कू को लिटा कर अब अपनी दुकान चटवाने लगी।
मैं- तुम्हारी तो चूत नही है ! भोसड़ा बन गया होगा।
शब्बो- हाँ रे राज्जा। मुझे नए और अनजान लौड़े बहुत पसंद हैं। पाकिस्तान से मेरी फूफी आई थी, साली क्या गजब की थी। उसने मुझे चुदवाना सिखाया और मैं रुक्कू को सिखा रही हूँ। ला अपना लौड़ा मुझे पूरी तरह चूसने दे।
इधर रुक्कू तो साली जैसे पुरानी रंडी हो, उस तरह से बारी-बारी शब्बो का भोसड़ा और मेरा लौड़ा चूसे जा रही थी।
शब्बो- रुक्कू, तू यार गजब की चुदक्कड़ बनेगी स्साली ! मेरा भोसड़ा क्या कमाल की चूसती है। बस अब हम दोनों के चूत-भोसड़े को बारी-बारी राकेश को चाटने दे।
मैंने दोनों को एक दूसरे के सामने खड़ा किया और नीचे बीच में बैठ कर दोनों की गांड पर हाथ फेरते-फेरते चाटना चालू किया। थोड़ी देर बाद दोनों की सिसकारियाँ शुरू हुई। रुक्कू तो सातवें आसमान पर पहुँच गई।
शब्बो- बस राकेश ! आओ अब हमें इसे दिखाना है कि कैसे चुदवाना है। रुक्कू तुम इस बीच मेरी गेंदों के साथ खेलो।
मैं- शब्बो, मेरे ऊपर तुम आओ और रुक्कू तुम इसकी गेंद मसलो और चूसो, साथ साथ मैं तुम्हारी चूत चूसता हूँ।
शब्बो ने बड़ी बेताबी से लौड़ा अपने भोसड़े में लिया और ऊपर-नीचे होना चालू किया। और शब्बो के वक्ष को भी मसला जा रहा था। इधर मैंने रुक्कू को चाट-चाट कर बेताब कर दिया। अब वो चाहती थी की उसकी चुदाई हो।
रुक्कू- शब्बो, मुझे लेने दो इसके लौड़े को।
शब्बो- रुक्कू, आराम से, पहले मैं चुदवा लूँ।
इतना कहकर शब्बो मेज़ के ऊपर बैठ गई,
शब्बो- राकेश, अब मुझे खड़े खड़े चोदो।
मैंने लौड़े को आराम से घुसा दिया। बहुत देर चुदवाने के बाद वो घोड़ी बन गई और गांड में लेने के लिए तैयार हो गई। मैंने भी देर न की और झट से डाल दिया लौड़ा उसकी गांड में !
वो चिल्ला उठी और मुझे धक्के बढ़ाने के लिए बोलने लगी, मेरे हर धक्के के साथ कहने लगी- राकेश यार ! मार मेरी गांड ! बहुत तड़प रही हूँ। ऐसे तो बहुत बार गांड मरवाई है ! मगर हमारे वाले मर्दों के लौड़े खतने वाले होते है और बिना खतने वाला पूरा लौड़ा आज तकदीर से मिला।
शब्बो को गाण्ड मरवाते देख कर रुक्कू बोली- छीः ! ऐसे कोई करवाते हैं क्या?
शब्बो- मेरी चुदाई के बाद जब तुझे भी ऐसा लौड़ा गांड में मिलेगा तो बड़ी खुश होगी।
मैंने गांड मार लेने के बाद शब्बो को सीधे से लिटाया और दोनों टांगो को उठाकर सही चोदना चालू किया।
थोड़ी देर बाद शब्बो बोली- राकेश, च च च च चोद न रे भड़वे ! क्यों तडपा रहा है ?
दस मिनट बाद उसके भोसड़े ने पानी छोड़ दिया और उसने अपनी टांगों से मेरे गांड को पकड़ लिया। थोड़ी देर उस पर लेटने के बाद मैं ऊपर से हट गया तो रुक्कू ने मेरे लौड़े को पानी से साफ़ किया और चूसना फिर शुरू किया।
मैंने उसे 69 की अवस्था में आने को कहा। बीस मिनट तक वो मुझे और मैं उसे चाटते रहे !
दुबारा लौड़ा तैयार हुआ तो शब्बो ने मुझे एक दवाई पिलाई और बोली- राकेश, इसकी पहली चुदाई है थोड़ा लम्बा चलने दो !
रुक्कू- क्या पिलाया ? कोई ऐसा वैसा नहीं कर रही है न।
शब्बो- चुप साली ! अरे यह ऐसी दवा है जिससे लौड़ा बहुत देर तक तुझे चोदेगा।
रुक्कू- हाँ बरोबर है, क्या मालूम कि ऐसा मौका कब मिलेगा?
मैंने थोड़ी देर बाद उसे उठा कर मेज़ के पास ले गया और उसे एक टांग मेज़ पर रख कर खड़ा होने के लिए कहा।
जैसे ही मैंने उसकी चूत में लौड़ा घुसेड़ा, रुक्कू बोली- राकेश ! मेरे राज्जा ! अह अह अह ! छोड़ना मत मुझे ! हर तरह से चोद !
मैंने दस मिनट बाद उसे घोड़ी की तरह खड़ी करके पीछे से उसके चूत में धक्के देना चालू किया।
रुक्कू चिल्ला उठी और डर गई क्योंकि उसकी चूत अब फट चुकी थी, खून देखकर वो डर गई।
शब्बो- रुक्कू, डर मत ! तेरी सील टूट चुकी ! अब तेरी चूत भोसड़ा बन गई ! राकेश चोदो इस साली को ! पूरा रस लेने दो और बना दो मेरी तरह रांड साली को ! बहुत चुदवाना चाहती थी, रोज दिमाग चाटती थी।
रुक्कू- राकेश, हाँ मुझे भी शब्बो के जैसे चुदक्कड़ रांड बनना है। बहुत लौड़े लेने है चूत में।
शब्बो- चुप रांड बन गई तू ! अब कहाँ से आई तेरी चूत ! वो तो भोसड़ा बन गई है।
मैंने रुक्कू को अब मेरी गोद में बैठने के लिए कहा जिससे एक दूसरे का मुँह देख सकें। मैं गांड पर हाथ फेरता रहा और उसके चुचूक चूसता रहा और गेंद दबाता रहा। मेरा लौड़ा चोदने के तैयार नहीं था। मैंने रुक्कू को लौड़े के साथ खेलने के लिए कहा।
शब्बो- राकेश क्या गोद में ले के बैठा है उसे ऊपर उठाकर लौड़ा उसके भोसड़े में डाल दे।
जैसे ही मैंने रुक्कू को उपर उठाया और उसकी चूत में सॉरी, अब भोसड़ा बन चुकी थी उसमें लौड़ा डाल दिया तो बड़ी खुशी से उसने अपने भोसड़े मे लौड़े को खुद के हाथों से डलवा दिया, उसने शब्बो की भान्ति लौड़े पर कूदना चालू कर दिया।
शब्बो- राकेश अब इसे दुबारा घोड़ी बना, इसकी कुँवारी गाण्ड को भी लौड़े का मज़ा दे।
मैंने रुक्कू को बिस्तर पर घोड़ी बनने को कहा, शब्बो ने मुझे क्रीम दी और कहा- थोड़ी क्रीम उसकी गांड में ऊँगली से लगा दे और थोड़ी अपने लौड़े पर लगा ले जिससे चिकना लौड़ा गांड में जाने से नखरे नहीं करेगा।
मैंने वैसे ही किया।
रुक्कू- राकेश आस्ते-आस्ते डालना ! मुझे आदत नहीं है।
शब्बो- चुप साली ! तुझे चुदवाना था और तड़प रही थी और जब अब मिल रहा है तो नखरे मत कर। राकेश एक ही झटके में डाल दे साली की गांड में जिससे गांड चौड़ी हो जाए।
मैंने भी फट से डाल दिया लौड़ा उसकी गांड में।
रुक्कू- अह मर गई रे। क्या ऐसा भी कोई चोदता है ? चल अब धीरे धीरे !
शब्बो- चुप री साली ! तू अब रांड बन चुकी है, अनजान लौड़ा ले के अब चुदवा ले बिना चूँ-चा किये।
रुक्कू- हाँ री, हाँ ! पर जरा धीरे से ! मुझे तेरे जैसी आदत नहीं है।
इस बात से मुझे रहम आया और मैंने पहले धीरे-धीरे उसकी गांड में धक्के देना चालू किया और थोड़ी देर में चमत्कार हुआ।
रुक्कू- राकेश भड़वे ! क्या जादू किया लौड़े से ? अब चोद डाल अख्खी गांड ! बहुत मज़ा आ रहा है ! सही में अब पता चला कि लोग औरत की गांड के दीवाने क्यों होते है ?
जिन औरतो ने गांड नहीं मरवाई वो इसे पढ़कर जरूर जान लें कि सारे छेद चुदवाने के लिए होते हैं।
शब्बो ने उसके नीचे झुक कर जैसे-कैसे- रुक्कू की गेंदों को कसकर पकड़ लिया और अपना भोसड़ा उससे चटवाने लगी। रुक्कू अब तेज सिसकियाँ भरने लगी क्योंकि मुँह में भोसड़ा और गांड में लौड़ा। उससे वो संतुष्ट हुई।
रुक्कू- अब कोई और तरीका ?
मैंने अब रुक्कू को दीवाल के साथ टिका कर खड़ा किया और उसकी एक टांग हाथ मैं पकड़कर भोसड़े में अपना लौड़ा डाल दिया और धक्के चालू किये। और एक आखरी धक्के से मेरे लौड़े ने ख़ुशी के आँसू बहाते हुए अपना सारा पानी उसके भोंसड़े में डाल दिया। बस रुक्कू ने झट से सारा वजन मेरे पर डालते हुए अपनी टांगों से मेरी गांड को लपेट लिया। मैंने उसी अवस्था में उसे उठाकर मेज़ पर बिठा दिया और लण्ड अपना काम तमाम करके भोसड़े से बाहर आ गया।
रुक्कू- राकेश साले ! क्या जादू है रे गांड मरवाने में और चुदवाने में ? दुबारा कब मिलेगा रे ?
शब्बो- अरे फिक्र मत कर ! सफर मैं ऐसे लौड़े बहोत मिलते है। एक ही लौड़े से खुश हुई क्या ?
मैं भी देखता रह गया।
शब्बो अब हट गई और पानी लेकर अपना भोंसड़ा धोने लगी और कपडे पहनकर तैयार हुई। अभी भी वो हाफ-पैंट और टीशर्ट में बहुत सेक्सी लग रही थी।
रुक्कू और शब्बो ने पूरे बुरके ओढ़ लिए ताकि कोई पहचान न हो।
शब्बो- देखा राकेश, बुरके का कमाल ! सारा काम तमाम और कोई पहचान ही नहीं। चलो देखते हैं कि बस तैयार हुई क्या ?
अभी मिस्त्री काम कर रहा था, बीस मिनट बाद बस ठीक हुई, इस बीच मैंने अपना टिफिन खा लिया वो दोनों तो चुदवाकर ही खुश थी।
कंडक्टर ने सिटी बजाकर सारे यात्रियों को बुला लिया। बहुत कम लोग रह गए थे। हम बस में एकदम पिछली सीट पर जा बैठे। शब्बो और रुक्कू ने मुझे बीच में बिठाया और चालू बस में भी उनका मकाम आने तक मेरे हाथो से अपनी गेंदों को दबवाया और मेरे लौड़े को सहलाया। बहुत आनंद दिया भी और लिया भी !
उनका स्टॉप आने की कंडक्टर की आवाज से दोनों ने अपना सामान उठाया और चलने लगी।
तो मैंने पूछा- अपना पता भी दे जाओ कभी मौका मिला तो जरूर चोदने आयेंगे।
रुक्कू लिखने को तैयार हुई तो शब्बो बोली- राकेश, उड़ते पंछियों का कोई पता नहीं होता और फुल पेड़ पौधे पता नहीं पूछते।
और बोली-
रहेंगे चमन तो फ़ूल खिलते रहेंगे
रही जिंदगी तो चुदवाने के लिए तुझ जैसे लौड़े मिलते रहेंगे।
बाय बाय कहते हुए दोनों पंखी उड़ गए और यादें छोड़ गए।
तो शकील ऐसा भी होता है सफ़र में !
ये तो तुम मिले और सारी सच्चाइयाँ तुम्हें बता दी। इधर राकेश की कहानी ख़त्म हुई और उधर ट्रेन को सूरत से आया इंजन लग कर होर्न बजाने लगा। हमने झट से ट्रेन में अपनी सीट पकड़ ली और गार्ड के सीटी बजाते ही ट्रेन चालू हुई। वापी आते ही वो उतर गया न उसने मुझे पता दिया न नम्बर दिया।
यह है उड़ते पंखियों की कहानी !


Main is waqt B.A. final year main thi aur meri umar 21 saal thi. Main aapko apna naam bata dun. Aliya. Mere ghar par mammi papa ke alawa mere bade bhai Amit hain jo mujhse 5 saal bada hai. Mammi Bank main hain aur Papa Govt. Job main hai aur aksar duty par bahar rahte hain aur 15-20 din main ghar aate hain. Main girls college main thi aur meri ek bahut hi achhi friend thi Vibha. Wah bhi meri hi umar ki thi. Wah mujhse bahut frank thi aur main bhi usse bahut frank thi. Ek din khali period main hamdono akele the. Wah baar baar kuchh sochne si lagti tu maine usse puchha, “Kya baat hai tu aaj kahan khoyi huyi hai?”

Wah muskarati huyi boli, “Bahut yaad aa rahi hai?”

“Kiski yaad aa rahi?”

“Usi ki jsine kal poori raat mujhe maza diya.”

“Kya matlab hai tumhara?”

“Are Aliya meri jaan kal tu poori raat mere yaar ne meri jamkar chudai ki hai. Abhi tak nasha utra nahi hai.” Wah apni choot par haath lagati boli.

Main uski baat sun chaunkte huwe boli, “Kya kah rahi hai Vibha? Tumne kisi se chudai ki? Kya sach main?”

“Haan yaar.”

“Kya kiya poori baat bata na?”

“Are yarr pichhle mahine maine pahli baar chudai ka maza liya tha. Tab se 7-8 baar chudwa chuki hoon par kal raat ghar khali tha mammi papa bahar gaye the kuchh dino ke liye isliye apne yaar se kal raat bhar chudwaya hai. Sach yaar bahut maza aaya. Mammi Papa 9-10 din baad ayenge ab tu roz raat maza lungi aur kal main colleghe nahi aungi kal din bhar chudwana hai.”

“Kya Vibha sach main tum tu bahut khushnaseeb ho. Chudai main maza tu aata hai?”

“Are yaar kya bataun bina chudwaye tum us maze ko jaan nahi paogi.”

“Kal din main chudwaogi?”

“Haan. Uska kahna hai is umar main tu jab tak 3-4 baar chudwaya na jaye maza hi nahi aata.”

“Kaun hai wah jo meri itni khoobsurat aur pyaari saheli ki jawani ka maza le raha hai?” maine usse puchha.

“Ye mat puchh”


“Bas aise hi.”

“Bata na yaar kaun hai main kisi se kahne tu ja nahi rahi.”

“Tu gussa ho jayegi.” Wah boli.

“Teri kasam main kyon gussa hone lagi. Batao na.”

Tab wah mere kareeb aa mere kaan main sargoshi karti boli, “Mere bhaiyya.”

Yah sun ke main chaunk kar usko dekhne lagi. Wah ghabrati si boli, “Dekho maine kaha tha na ki tumhe bura lagega. Please ye baat kisi se kahna nahi.”

Main kuchh der chup si rahi fir boli, “Kya sach main tum apne bhai se hi?”

“Haan please kisi se kahna nahi.”

“Nahi Vibha main kisi se kahungi tu nahi par ye galat hai.”

Meri baat sun wah normal hoti boli, “Chal pagli yah galat nahi balki sabse achha hai. Dekh agar main kisi ladke se bahar chudwaun tu bahut khatra hai. Wah mujhe blackmail bhi kar sakta hai par bhaiyya tu ghar main hi hai jab man kare chudwao. Kal tu poora din bhaiyya ka lund apni choot main lena hai.”

Wah khulkar bol rahi thi aur main hairan ho rahi thi. Wah apni tango ko kasti boli, “Haye mere bhaiyya ka bahut hi pyaara hai, jab andar jata hai tu mujhe jannat dikhne lagti hai. Haye meri tu bahne lagi hai dekhna,”

Usne apna shalwar ko zara sa dhila kiya tu maine chupke se uski shalwar main haath daala aur bina panty ke nagi choot par haath phera tu uska kahna sach laga. Uski choot gili thi aur mera haath chipchipa gaya. Maine haath bahar nikala aur dekha tu garha pani sa laga tha. Wah boli, “Yaar mera tu mann kar raha hai abhi chali jaun bhaiyya ki god main.”

Fir wah kuchh der aur batati rahi aur main sunkar bechain hoti rahi. Fir jab college ke baad wah ghar ja rahi thi tu bahut khush lag rahi thi. Raaste bhar wah mere kaan main fusfusati rahi aur main usse jalan mahsoos karne lagi.

Khair main ghar aayi aur naha dhokar fresh ho gayi. Shaam ko jab mere bade bhaiyya ghar aaye tu unko dekh mujhe saheli ki yaad aa gayi. Papa abhi do din pahle hi duty par gaye the aur ghar par ham teen log hi the. Main apne bhaiyya ko dekh rahi thi aur saheli ki baat sochkar laga ki sach mere bhaiyya bhi tu bahut smart aur tagde hain. Mere dil main unke liye gande khyal aane lage.

Ham sab raat ko kha pikar sone ke liye apne apne room main chale gaye. Mammi ka room niche ke floor par tha aur mera aur bhaiyya ko oopar wale floor par aamne saamne tha. Raat bhar mujhe saheli ki uske bhai se chudai ki baate hi sapne main bhi aati rahi aur bahut mushkil se raat kati.

Subah fresh hokar nashta kar rahi thi tabhi yaad aaya ki aaj tu Vibha ayegi nahi aur apne bhai ke saath ghar par rahegi aur din bhar maza legi. Mujhe fir usse jalan hiyi aur nashta karne ke baad main apne room main gayi aur dress pahna fir kuchh soch saheli ko phone kiya.

Usne hi phone pick kiya tu main usse boli, “Hi Vibha main Aliya.”

“Haan bol kya baat hai?”

“Kuchh nahi yaar aaj tu college ayegi nahi aur main bhi nahi jana chahti par samajh nahi aa raha mammi se kya bahana karun?”

“Kyon kya baat hai?”

“Kuchh nahi tu hogi nahi tu akele mujhe achha nahi lagega.”

“Are yaar tu mere ghar aaja na?”

“Par tum tu kah rahi thi ki tum aaj din bhar apne bhaiyya se?.”

“Haan par abhi bhaiyya ek ghante ke liye bahar gaye tab tak tum aa jao fir chali jana.”

“Par yaar fir main kahan jaungi?”

“Achha tu aa tu sahi ghar pa main tera dil bahla dungi.”

Fir main ghar se nikli aur college ke bajaye saheli ke ghar chali gayi. Uska ghar raaste main tha. Main ghar pahunchi tu wah akeli hi thi. Usne bahut hi khoobsurat sa pink color ka suit pahna huwa tha aur nahane ke baad baalon ko khula hi rakha tha aur perfume se mahak rahi thi. Main gayi tu wah mujhse lipat gayi aur apne bedroom main la bithaya. Fir wah mujhse boli, “Kya baat hai tum college kyon nahi gayi?”

“Are yaar tum tu jaanti ho tumhare siwa mera koi friend nahi hai aur jab tum nahi gayi tu main akeli bor ho jati hun.”

“Chal tu yahi rah thodi der.” Aur itna kah wah bed par let gayi aur sochne lagi.

“Are ab kya soch rahi ho.”

“Raat ke bare main, haye kya maza aaya.”

“Kya huwa tha raat ko bataona?”

“Kal raat bhaiyya ne khoob maza diya. Pahle tu Mammi Papa ka darr rahta tha par kal ghar par koi tha nahi isliye khoob maza liya bhaiyya ne. Kal meri choot ko chaatkar jhaarne ke baad choda aur apne lund ka ras bhi pilaya.”

“Kya tumne lund ko munh main lekar?.” Main hairan hoti boli.

“Tu ekdam gadhi hai. Ari pagal lund ko ek baar munh main lekar tu dekh bahar nikalne ka mann nahi karega. Jaanti hai kal bhaiyya ne kaha tha ki aaj wah meri gaand bhi marenge. Haye bas jaldi se aaye tu aaj gaand marwane ka maza bhi lungi.”

Uski khushi ka tu thikana hi nahi tha. Main ab tak bahut pareshan ho chuki thi aur kuchh soch usse boli, “Yaar maine tu aaj tak kisi ka dekha bhi nahi aur tu munh main lekar maze kar rahi hai.”

“Tum darpok ho. Tum chaho tu main tumko dikha sakti hun.”


“Apne bhaiyya ka.” Wah boli.

Main boli, “Kaise?”

“Bhaiyya bas aane hi wale honge tum yahi mere room main chhup jao aur jab main apne bhai se chudwaun tu tum dekhna. Tum chudai bhi dekh logi ki kaise hoti hai aur isme kitna maza aata hai.”

Main uski baat sun razi hoti boli, “Kahin tumhare bhaiyya ko pata chal gaya tu.”

“Nahi chalega tum chhupi rahna bas aur fir main tumko chupke se nikal dungi.”

Maine time dekha 11 baje the aur mere paas 4 baje shaam tak ka time tha. Main khush hoti boli, “Theek hai Vibha tum sach kahti ho maine kabhi dekha nahi aur aaj achha mauka hai.”

Usne mujhe apne room main ek oor kone main jidhar parda tha wahi chhipne ki jagah batayi. Maine waha se dekha uska poora bed dikhta tha. Par kone main aur parda hone se koi jaan nahi sakta tha ki koi chhipa ho sakta hai.

Ham dono kuchh der baat karte rahe fir usne chai banayi aur 10 minute baad bahar se bike ki awaz aayi. Wah bike ki awaz sun khush ho gayi aur boli, “Lagta hai bhaiyya aa gaye.”


Situation : Anu (Radha) meets us in a party and get introduced by my girl friend Shabnam and well liked each other to have more closeness and hot sessions in privacy.

For privacy reasons , all names are nick.

We (all computer s/w engs.) - had been out at a private party, you (Anu  age: 19, me (jollyboy m. age 25) and my gf. (Shabnam 20 Anu's class mate.) and it was late 1+ A.M.

We enjoyed gr8 in dance with drink in the party and became horny moves. .

You had been flirting with me for most of the evening, wearing a short skirt and a top that clung to your small, firm tits so sweetly. You were also getting along really well with my gf, and she was more "touchy-feely" than normal, both with you and me, which I suspected was largely due to the wine. What surprised me the most was that she didn't seem to object at all to you and me flirting with each other so brazenly.

We left the party at about the same time, and went out to the street to wait for our cabs. It was getting cool out, and not unsurprisingly, your nipples were hard and very prominent under your tight, thin see through top. When a cab finally came, we decided to share it rather than someone having to wait longer, and all climbed into the back seat. You got in first, then Shabnam, and finally I just sort of launched myself across you two, lying across your laps.

I then rolled over, so I was face up. In doing so, I managed to push both of your skirts upwards, although I was still lying across your legs. I realized what I had done, and "apologized" to both of you, but didn't do anything to allow you to fix the problem.

As we got closer to our house, Shabnam, to my surprise, suggested that she wasn't really ready to stop partying and asked if you wanted to come over and crash at our place instead of going home. You agreed.
We arrived, and I climbed off you two, noticing the crotch of your thong exposed, as was the crotch of my gf's panties. Neither of you tried to fix your skirt as you got out of the cab, though.

We went inside, and Shabnam opened another bottle of beer. I put on some music, and we continued to drink. You sat down on one of the leather couches we have, with one leg extended along the couch, the other off on the floor. Your mini skirt rode up, showing off once again for us your narrow black lace thong covering your virgin pussy i hope so. Shabnam noticed, and commented that you looked so sexy in your thong, and she never could wear them (she thinks her ass looks too big). You accepted her compliment, pulling your skirt right up surprisingly and blatantly , showing us the entirety of your thong.

"Get up and show us the back, too" Shabnam prodded.

You hopped up off the couch, and lifted your skirt once again; turning around so we could admire the lack of material and the very sexy effect it had on you.
"Well, what do you think, Jolly?" you asked me, standing right in front of me holding your skirt up.

I looked down at your sweet pussy, mindful of my gf. standing close to us, and said "You look fantastic, Anu. Good enough to eat..."

At this point Shabnam  spoke up, "Well I'm not stopping you, Jolly. Go ahead, show her what that tongue of yours can do..."
None of us said a word, a little surprised at my gf's proposition. I just walked directly towards you, as you backed up to the couch again, and sat down, your legs spread, your fingers sliding under an edge of the thong, pulling it off to the side, revealing your carefully shaved pussy to us. You smiled, amazing yourself at your lack of nervousness in front of my gf.
Shabnam sat down beside you, turned on the couch so she faced you, and placed her hands on your thighs. "Oh wow, Anu, this looks gorgeous!" She said as she started sliding her hands up toward your pussy, sliding a finger just inside the crease of your leg. You shivered, watching my wife's pretty hands sliding along your leg. You stared at her fingers as they traced alongside your lips, flushing with anticipation.

I knelt down in between your outstretched knees, leaning in close enough that you could feel my breath on your bare pussy and soft inner thighs. my gf. continued to gently caress your thighs and around your slit, gently spreading you open as she did so. We could easily see your wetness, and how obviously turned-on you were, being touched by my gf. like this.

As I watched, my wife slid a single finger along your wet slit, opening your lips. You gave a little gasp as you felt her fingers slide over your slippery hole. Shabnam knew exactly where to touch you, and her fingers circled around your hole then back up over your hard clit, causing you to gasp once again.
I leaned in closer, and lightly flicked my tongue along your open slit.

Shabnam spread you apart with her fingers, to allow me to lick your clit. You gasped again as you felt my soft tongue caress your sensitive clit. I moved lower, sliding the tip of my tongue into your hole, tasting your delicious sweet cunt. I pressed my mouth over you completely, lightly sucking on you, my tongue flicking over your clit more forcefully. You became lost in the sensations that were ever building, knowing that your orgasm wasn't far off.
I pulled back, while Shabnam kept you spread wide apart, just looking at your gorgeous shaved snatch. "Mmm, Anu, you taste so good..." I started, looking up and moving towards my wife. She instinctively leaned down to kiss me, tasting your wetness on my lips and mouth. "I think you need to try her yourself, sweetie" I said to her, as she leaned forward, still sitting on the couch, bringing her face down into your crotch.
You watched, wide-eyed, as my wife's pretty face descended toward you. In slow motion almost, you saw her mouth open, her tongue poised just between her lips, as she lowered her mouth onto your wet cunt. You moaned out loud as you watched her pretty mouth working on your clit, the electric sensations shooting through your body. You squirmed, trying to raise your hips to give her even better access to your body. I watched with equal fascination as Shabnam's tongue pressed into your hole, and back across your clit.
"Make her cum in your mouth, Shabnam" I said.
You were quickly becoming lost in the sensations, unable to speak or say anything, only moaning and trying to remember to keep breathing. You slid one of your hands up the inside of  Shabnam's leg, cupping the crotch of her panties, feeling the wetness and warmth emanating from her pussy. Clumsily you pushed the material off to the side as you slid a single finger deep into her wet hole. You felt her legs spread slightly wider to give you better access, as her face pressed against your cunt even harder, indicating her approval.
You knew you were very close, and looked down again, watching her feminine cheekbone and chin so expertly working over your clit and pussy, her blonde hair brushing against your hip. You followed your own arm, your hand disappearing between Shabnam's thighs, thinking about your hand rubbing her pussy, touching her for her first time, your finger sliding into her. It was this realization, coupled with the sight of her face buried in your lap that sent you over the top.
You tensed for just a moment, and then screamed as your body sharply convulsed. Your hand gripped Shabnam's wet pussy, as your stomach muscles contracted and jolts of electricity surged through your body. Shabnam didn't let up, and continued to lick your over-sensitized clit, knowing exactly how much you could take to prolong your orgasm as long as possible.
When finally you could take no more, Shabnam allowed your cunt to slip away from her mouth. She remained there for a few moments, staring at your beautiful bare pussy, acutely aware that she had just eaten out another girl for the first time in her life. She admired your pussy for a few seconds more, aware of your hand gently resting on her pussy, your finger positioned inside her dripping wet hole.
She looked up at you, and leaned up to your face to kiss you deeply, giving you a taste of your own juices.
"Oh, Shabnam, that was incredible...." you said quietly. Your breathing was still very heavy, and we just let you lay back on the couch, recovering. You did not remove your hand from my wife's pussy. She sat up, her pussy pressing into your hand even more. You knew that before long your hand would be replaced by your mouth, and at some point that evening you would be going down on her. Suddenly your snatch felt all warm again, as the anticipation of what you would be doing sent a shiver through you.

"I think both of you are rather overdressed" I said, moving back on the floor. Shabnam smiled at you, stood up and peeled off her shirt, showing you a dark blue stretchy bra, her full, c-size tits filling them out. You did the same, revealing your lace bra that cradled your firm, sexy tits. She then pulled off her skirt, followed by her rather plain dark blue panties, revealing her golden brown pussy, shaved along the edges but otherwise full and thick. She left her bra on for the moment, while you wriggled out of your skirt, your thong still stretched to the side of your pussy. Shabnam told you that you should leave your bra on, and let me take it off, as it is one of my favorite things to do. [It's true; I love seeing a girl in only a bra (or bra and panties) let me take it off her. I love the feeling of breasts within the bra, then undoing it (front closures are the most fun) and slowly sliding it off her tits, letting them sit freely, gently caressing the soft skin, watching her nipples harden. It is just so erotic, and more so if the girl gets equally turned on with this kind of attention!]

Following my gf's lead, you both stood side-by-side, grinning at me. Shabnam stood there wearing only her bra, her soft c-size tits shaped nicely by her stretchy navy bra, while you stood before me in your bra and thong, now positioned properly over your shaved pussy, your small tits hidden by your black lace bra. I started to move toward you.
"Not so fast, big boy," Shabnam said, "you're going to have to lose some clothing before you get any closer."
I pulled off my shirt, followed by my pants and socks, so all I was wearing were boxers, which of course were tented out from my very, very hard cock.

"Those don't look like they're doing anything for you, you might as well take them off too," you said.
I looked at you, then my wife, and slid off my boxers. My cock stood out rigidly from my body, aching for some attention. You both smiled, seeing how turned on I was. I loved seeing both of you staring at me, having two almost naked gorgeous women, looking down at my cock.

I walked closer to you and slid my hands downwards from your shoulders, my fingers tracing along your bra down over your sweet, perky breasts. I felt underneath the sexy lace, feeling your firm breasts encased by the material. Shabnam watched, fascinated and turned on by seeing her bf's hands caressing someone else's tits, knowing how turned on I was.

I then did the same to her, as you watched me, and urged me to remove her bra so you could see her sexy tits. I walked around behind my gorgeous wife, and cupped her tits with my hands while you watched. I traced along the sides of her bra around to the back, where I undid the clips. Her bra slid off her ample tits, and I slid the straps off her arms, letting it fall to the floor. I reached around her again, massaging and feeling her soft warm tits while you watched. Her dark pink nipples hardened to my touch, and it was all you could do to not run your fingers over them as well.

Still standing behind, I moved over to you, and began caressing your breasts again, your bra still on. My wife's eyes met yours; as she looked down to see her husband's hands encircling you. I stood very close up against you, and you could feel my hard cock resting against the top curve of your ass. I squeezed your tits, and then found the front-closure to them, which I undid. The bra only slid part-way off your tits, and I gently scratched my fingernails along the soft exposed cleavage. Then, pulling your bra away completely, I cupped my hands under your smaller, firm tits. You sighed as my fingers brushed over your hard nipples.

You reached behind your back, and grasped my cock and balls as I continued touching, feeling and massaging your gorgeous breasts. You could feel my hard cock throbbing in your grasp, and realized that I indeed was loving this.

I pulled your bra right off, and began squeezing your tits more forcefully. Your sexy breasts felt so good in my hands, I squeezed them hard, pinching your nipples and making them stand out.

Shabnam walked over in front of you, and watched my hands fondling your tits for a moment, then pulled your thong to the floor. At last, all three of us were completely naked.
I slid my hand down your body, and over the smooth skin around your pussy. You continued to grasp my cock behind your back, pumping it awkwardly.

"Well, Jolly, are you ready for the blowjob of your lifetime? Because I bet you'd love to have two mouths on that nice strong cock, wouldn't you?" my sweet, naked gf. said.
I sat down on the couch, where you had been sitting earlier. I leaned back with my ass at the edge of the couch, spreading my legs so both of you could snuggle in close. My 9" long thick cock, stood out steel rod erect, the head a dark red colour, throbbing with anticipation.Your eyes opened wide seeing its length and girth.

You both leaned in, so I could feel your breath on my cock and balls. Shabnam smiled at me and said "bet you'd love to have a camera right now, wouldn't you Ashu?" Then she turned to you and kissed you hard and passionately, her tongue dancing with yours.

When you finally broke your kiss, you reached up to hold my cock perfectly upright, and you and my gf. started to gently and lightly kiss and lick the head and shaft of my cock. You could feel me throbbing with desire, and each light kiss only inflamed me more. Starting at the base of my cock, one on each side, you both began to lick upwards, until your tongues met at the tip of my cock. You swirled your tongue around the head of my cock, and then, opening your mouth, began to inch your entire mouth down my shaft.

"How, does that feel, Jolly?" my gorgeous gf. asked me, "do you like feeling Shabnam's mouth taking your cock in?" she teased. I, on the other hand, was unable to answer. The build up had been too much, and feeling your warm wet mouth encircling my cock was overwhelming and I couldn't breathe, watching your lips progress lower and lower onto my cock.
You pulled back, and off, taking a moment to admire my dark red, extraordinarily hard cock all shiny and wet with your saliva.Shabnam then opened her mouth, and did the same thing. When she pulled back off me, you both began to go to work on my shaft, kissing, sucking and licking it at the same time. She held my cock in her hand while you massaged my balls. I just lay back, amazed at the intense feeling, and watching the incredibly erotic scenario of the two of you as you worked on my cock.

Gradually you increased the intensity of your ministrations on me, sucking me deeply into your mouth, your tongue massaging the shaft and tip of my cock. She was encouraging me, telling me to cum in your mouth, she wanted to see me shoot my load for you. As if the sensations themselves weren't enough, hearing my wife telling me to cum for you was just too much. I felt my body tensing for what was coming. She knew it too.

"Good girl, , he's going to cum for you.... that's it, make him spurt..." She said as you sucked my cock while pumping the shaft with your hand. You felt my balls tighten as I finally climaxed, and held the tip of my cock between your lips, ready for that first eruption.

I exploded into your hungry mouth, spraying my cum onto your tongue. You pulled off me, letting the next spurt fly up into the air between you and Shabnam, catching her across her forehead. She opened her mouth, as you pointed my cock towards her, and leaned down to cover my cock with her lips in time for the next two spurts, drinking my hot cum down. Then she pulled back as you continued to pump my cock, both of you just watching me erupt all over your hand. You opened your mouth to take me in once again, licking up my cum from the head of my cock, cleaning me off.
I just collapsed onto the couch as Shabnam cleaned off her face, while you grinned widely at us.
"Hmmm, I've never helped a woman do that to her husband before" you said, your fingers lightly brushing over my softening cock and balls.

We sat there for a few minutes, all of us recovering (some more so) until you looked over at Shabnam and said "Well, it seems that there's only one of us to go...."
She blushed, her eyes meeting yours. You saw her imagine for a moment what it was going to feel like to have a woman's mouth on her pussy; to have your mouth on her pussy. You smiled at her, and told her to lie down on the soft carpet.
She did so, and you straddled her head, facing down her body. You told her that she wasn't to do anything to you, but just lie there and accept what you were doing. You bent down to her, your naked cunt hovering only inches above her face.
With one of your hands, you gently caressed her neatly trimmed pussy, your fingers sliding along the smooth sides of her lips. Being so close to her soft, needy pussy was intoxicating for you. You breathed in her scent deeply, and able to resist no longer, opened your mouth to cover her slit with it. You felt her soft cunt immediately respond to you, opening for you, as your tongue spread her apart, sliding down into her. You heard her moan, and her legs relaxed to your gentle touch.

Like Shabnam did to you earlier, you knew exactly what to do to her. You focused your tongue on her clit, teasing it, flicking it with the tip, and sucking gently on it.

I watched with interest as my cock stirred in response to the sight, staring at you kneeling over my wife, your cunt exposed above her face, your tits hanging down just above her stomach, watching your pretty face eagerly eating her out. She was in a state of euphoria as you deftly and thoroughly licked and sucked her.

As you continued, I moved off the couch and positioned myself behind you, unknown to you. Rupa watched, saying nothing as I lined up my cock with your cunt. You were taken completely by surprise as I thrust my cock deep into your body, right in front of my wife's eyes. You gasped in shock and pleasure, but resumed your efforts on my gf. with greater force and intensity, as if thanking her for allowing her husband to fuck you like this.

I slowly pumped my hard cock in and out of you, trying not to interrupt what you were doing to Shabnam. You were so turned on by what you were doing to her that you were ready to orgasm yourself, and resolved to make Shabnam cum at the same time.

Desperately, as I slowly and methodically fucked you, you sucked on her clit, flicking your tongue across it. You knew she was not far off, and concentrated your efforts on holding off your orgasm until she did.

Finally, as you licked her cunt furiously, she screamed out, and you felt her body start to shake beneath you. I fucked you harder, watching my wife writhe under you, my cock thrusting deeply into you. You quickly succumbed to your own orgasm, your mouth still lapping at Shabnam's pretty cunt. You collapsed onto her, your breasts pressed against her, your ass still up in the air as I pumped you. My balls rubbed against her face with each thrust, as I felt my own orgasm fast approaching. I didn't want to hold off at all, and fucked you hard and fast. You continued to shake uncontrollably, your face still pressed against my wife's wet pussy.

At last I exploded for the second time in such a short while, my cock throbbing and spurting deep into your cunt. You cried out, as did I, as I pulled your hips toward me, pressing my cock deeply into your body as I filled you.

We all collapsed onto the floor in a tanged mess of naked bodies, sweat and cum.

When she was finally able to, Shabnam rolled over and asked us "who's ready for a shower?" and lead to next session. Anu will not leave you Ashu, until you drill her ass.

We all exclaimed and laughed loud out.

Our sexual adventures still continues in weekends n hope till Anu finds a  right guy of her choice for our 4 some lol.


This is the story of the first time my wife ever had sex with another man while I watched and joined in. I know the story is a bit long, but I wanted to give you the sense that "you were there". I also hope that many people, who are just thinking about trying something like this, might be able to relate to how we felt as we went through this and maybe they can gain some courage from our experience to try this for themselves.
My wife, Brandie, and I, had discussed the possibility of having a threesome with another man for quite a long time. The thought of sharing her with another man turned me on and was just about the only sexual fantasy that I ever had! She finally agreed to try it, and so we set about trying to find the right guy.

We posted ads on a couple of swinger web sites and got dozens of replies. Of course many of them were from married guys wanting us to meet them for a quick fuck in the middle of the afternoon so they could do it without their wife finding out about it. That, of course, wasn't what we were looking for. We wanted a man, who could take the time to spend the evening with us, getting to know each other and spend the time easing everyone into this "first time". One of the responses we got to our ads was from a guy named Ron. Ron was mid-30's and when Brandie saw his picture; her initial reaction was,
He was a good-looking man with black hair and a hairy chest. He had also sent a picture of his erect cock and from the pic, you could tell it was above average in size, but not huge. After swapping e-mails and chatting with him on the computer, we both felt pretty comfortable with him. We also found out that he and his ex-wife had been swingers and had attended a local swing club that my wife and I had recently started attending, but hadn't really gotten into anything there yet. So, we felt like this was the guy to meet.

We agreed to meet Ron for dinner at a restaurant in downtown Nashville, which is about 45 minutes from our hometown in TN. We were supposed to meet him there at 7PM on a Saturday night. So, Brandie and I made the trip to Nashville earlier in the afternoon and got a hotel room.

The afternoon passed slowly and the only topic of conversation was about what would happen tonight! We were both excited about it, but my wife was really nervous! As the afternoon passed into evening, we started to get ready to go out. Brandie had brought several different sets of clothing with her so she could decide what to wear as she was getting dressed. After several changes of her mind, she finally settled on the following; she wore a short black skirt, a white blouse that was shear see through all across her chest, a white lace bra, a black g-string pantie, black garter belt and very shear black stockings with seams up the back. The shoes she wore, were black satin pumps with little rhinestone decorations on the back of them above the heel. My wife is not a skinny woman, but not overly large either. Most of her excess weight is in her mid section. So, she has very sexy long legs, a pretty face, and big tits that display plenty of cleavage when she wants to.
The outfit she had chosen for the evening accentuated every one of her best features! The short skirt, shear black stockings and black satin pumps, showcased her gorgeous legs and almost seemed to beg a man to get between them. The blouse and bra she wore showed plenty of cleavage, and showed a lot of the lace of her bra. She was very sexy! I kept thinking about how exciting it was, knowing that she was dressing this way in order to impress a man she was about to meet for the first time, and to entice him to want to fuck her!

As she was getting dressed, and I helped her, I also kept thinking about how "if I was lucky", I might get to see another man undress her in a couple of hours! My cock was hard all afternoon, as we were getting ready. As she had done with her clothes, Brandie had brought several different choices of evening wear with her as well. Since she was unsure how things would work out after we met this guy, and how she would feel after he had come to the hotel room with us; she had brought everything from sweatpants and denim shirts to sexy lingerie. I told her to put it all in the bathroom and then at some point after we came back from dinner, she could go in there and change into whatever she was comfortable with. After tiding the room up a bit, we were ready to leave and go meet Ron.

When we got to the restaurant, he apparently wasn't there yet, so we gave the hostess a brief description of Ron and told her that we were expecting him. We sat down at a table with our backs to the wall. Brandie was so nervous; I thought she might hyperventilate if she didn't settle down! We ordered a couple of drinks and tried to relax. Ron showed up about 10 minutes later. As he approached our table, it was obvious that he was much more handsome than his pictures had showed. He introduced himself, he and I shook hands, then he sat down and we started small talk. We became very comfortable with him almost right away, because he took control of the conversation and kept the talk general, and off from sex! After all, we were in a public restaurant where it was hard to talk without being over heard.

At one point during dinner, Brandie got up and went to the ladies room. While she was gone, Ron took the opportunity to tell me that he thought she was very sexy. But, he also understood that she was very nervous about this whole thing. I told him that yes she was, but that I thought he was doing a great job of putting her at ease. After dinner, and just before we were about to get up to leave, Ron excused himself to go to the mens room. I took that chance to ask Brandie what she thought. She told me that she really liked him. He was quite handsome, and she felt comfortable with him. I asked her if she wanted him to come to the hotel with us.
She said, "Sure. He can come to the room and we'll just see how it goes from there."

When Ron came back to the table, we got up to leave. As we started towards the door, Ron stepped back and motioned for me to go ahead. I instantly knew what he wanted! He wanted me to go first, then Brandie, so he could walk behind Brandie and look at her legs and ass, which he hadn't seen except for the fleeting glimpse he got when she walked from the table to the ladies room. After we stepped outside onto the sidewalk, Ron took the opportunity to, for the first time, say something sexual to Brandie.
He said, "You are a very sexy woman, and you've got a fantastic pair of legs and a very nice ass."
Brandie gave a nervous laugh and said, "Well, Thank you."
Then I told Ron, "Hey, why don't you come to our hotel room with us, where we can have a few more drinks and talk a little more openly without anyone else around."
He said, "OK"
He agreed to follow us to the hotel, but I told him where it was, and the room number, in case we got separated in traffic. Then he went to his car, and we headed to ours. After getting in the car and starting for the hotel, I asked Brandie how she felt about Ron. She told me she thought he was very nice and very good-looking! I asked her if she thought she would fuck him.
She said, "He certainly is good-looking enough to fuck him! But, I'm really nervous about doing this with you! We'll just have to see what happens when we get to the room."
I assured her that whatever she did, or didn't do, was OK with me. I told her that the decision about what to do was entirely up to her! I reached over and touched her stocking clad thigh and ran my hand up under her short skirt so that I was touching the bare skin of her inner thigh above her stocking.
I ran the tip of my fingers up and down the g-string covering her pussy and I said, "However, I sure would like to watch you fuck this guy tonight!"

She smiled at me, then spread her legs and let me reach my fingers around the g-string so that I could slip my fingers in between her pussy lips. To my surprise, her cunt was as wet as if I had been playing with it before having sex!
I looked at her and in "mock surprise" said, "You WANT to fuck him, too! Don't you?"
She admitted that the idea of fucking him while I watched and joined in was exciting her! The rest of the 15-minute trip to the hotel, we talked about what might happen in the room and how everything would get started. We agreed to not push, or rush anything, just play it by ear and see what happens.
When we arrived at the hotel, we all went inside and I offered Ron a beer from a cooler I had in the room. Brandie had a soda. I sat down in a chair that was next to the bed, by the window, near the head of the bed. Ron sat on the foot of the bed facing the TV. Brandie had kicked her shoes off as soon as we walked in the door and was standing in front of Ron taking her necklace off, with her back to him. She didn't know that he was sitting right behind her! As she was reaching up behind her neck to take off her necklace, her already short skirt rode up even further, exposing the tops of her stockings. Ron turned around and made motions to me that said he liked what he saw! I thought he would turn around and take the opportunity to get something going by running his hands up her legs and onto her ass. But, he didn't. Like me, he just enjoyed the little impromptu "show" that Brandie was giving us without even knowing she was doing it! After getting her necklace off, she laid it on top of the TV, then took her soda around to the other side of the bed and sat down with her back against the headboard.

The way my wife sat on the bed, her very short skirt, rode even higher, and exposed the tops of her stockings and the straps of the garter belt. When I saw that, I knew Ron could see it, and it excited me to know that my wife was showing this much sexy flesh, stockings, and garter belt with a strange man in the room. As Brandie had moved around the side of bed and sat down, Ron had stood up, turned around, and he got the same sexy view of my wife that I did, as she sat down on the bed. I saw him looking at the same thing I was looking at, my wife's sexy legs, thighs, stocking tops, garter straps, and knowing that a wet, willing pussy lay between those legs, just inches up under that skirt! Then Ron looked at me and told us, both, he had brought a VCR with an adult movie video and would we mind if he went out to get it and hooked it up.

Thinking it would be a good icebreaker, we said, "Sure!"
He was only gone a couple of minutes and while he was out of the room, I reassured Brandie that whatever she did, it would be OK with me, and that all of the decisions were up to her.
Ron returned with the VCR and we hooked it up. Then he put the tape in and we started the movie. As it came on, he adjusted the volume down to nearly nothing so that we could talk without all the phony noises from the video disturbing us. We turned off most of the lights in the room so that most of the light around the bed area was coming from the TV. Once everything was set, Ron began talking to both of us about his past experiences swinging with his ex. For the next hour or so, the 3 of us talked about sex, the action on the TV, swinging, and what we, (my wife and I), were looking to get into.
At one point, Ron told Brandie, "I wish I could tell you that I had a 12" cock! But, I can't."

We all got a big laugh out of that.
A little while later, Brandie got up and went into the bathroom. Since we had gotten into the room, I had been excitedly waiting for one of these 2, to make some sort of "move" and get things going! When Brandie went into the bathroom, I thought that maybe she would come out with one of her sexy nighties on and maybe we would get some action started! To my dismay, she came out wearing a pair of sweat pants and a blue denim shirt. It was obvious that she had taken off her bra as her big tits swung back and forth under her shirt.

I thought to myself, "Oh fuck! She's not going to do it!"
I figured she must have chickened out and that this was her way of telling me she wasn't going to do it. Ron and I had been drinking plenty of beer since we had come in and so he needed to go to the bathroom.
While he was in there, I whispered to Brandie, "So, you're not going to do it?"
She said, "What makes you think that?"
I said, "The way you're dressed."
She then went on to tell me that she was just still a little nervous and didn't know how to get it started, so she just put that on to be comfortable. But, that she still might do it, if things just happened. So, I held out hope that maybe the night wasn't shot, yet!

When Ron came out of the bathroom, the video was over so he rewound it and started it over. (We had been sitting around just talking about sex for nearly 2 hours!)

Then it was my turn to go to the bathroom. As I went in, Brandie was sitting on the bed with her back against the headboard and her left foot hanging down off the side of the bed. Ron was sitting on the other side of the bed from her and they were talking. I took my time in the bathroom, thinking that maybe if I left them alone for a few minutes, they both, might feel a bit more at ease and maybe something would get going. I took a piss, but didn't flush the toilet. I listened, and I could still hear them talking. Then I sat down on the counter and thought I would stay in here a couple of more minutes.
Suddenly, I realized that I couldn't hear them talking! My heart began to race! My mind began to go wild!
I thought, "Man! I can't hear them talking! I wonder what they're doing. Are they kissing? Is he fucking her already? Should I stay in here? Or should I go out and see what's going on?"

After 5 minutes that seemed like hours, I flushed the toilet and opened the bathroom door. As I stepped out into the room, I could see Brandie sitting much as she was when I left the room, but now Ron was sitting in front of her. They were kissing. He had her shirt unbuttoned to her waist, and his right hand was inside her shirt playing with her tits! I couldn't believe what I was seeing! After all the years of fantasizing about watching my wife with another man, finally, here she was making out with Ron and he was playing with her tits! The scene only lasted a few seconds because as I stepped out of the bathroom, Ron started to break it off with my wife, but I saw her reach up and grab him by the back of his head and hold him to her, so they could kiss a little more. (She later told me that she did that to let him know that it was OK if I saw them doing that. She didn't want him to think that it was only OK to do that when I was out of the room). He took the hint, and went back to kissing her, and playing with her tits. I stood there and watched for a couple of minutes, with my cock as hard as a rock!

When they came up for air and broke it off, Brandie, still looking at Ron, said to me, "You going to get those sodas out of the car?"
She had finished the last soda a while ago, and we had talked about me going to get them, but I hadn't yet. I thought that she was trying to get me out of the room so that she and Ron could really get going!
But then she laughed, and she told me, "I didn't mean that the way it sounded. I'm not trying to get rid of you!"
Ron chimed in with, "Yeah, man. We'll be good while you're gone and wait for you to get back."
I said, "OK. I'll go get them."
I didn't believe that they weren't trying to get me out of the room, so I took a leisurely walk to the car and back, trying to give them time to really get going. When I got back to the room, I listened from outside the door and was surprised to hear them talking. So, I opened the door and went in. True to their word, they hadn't been doing anything while I was gone. I gave Brandie a new soda, which she opened, took a couple of sips from, and then she got up and went to the bathroom. I gave Ron a fresh beer; he was sitting on the right side of the bed against the headboard. I got a fresh beer and sat down in a chair against the wall next to the TV so that I was at the foot of the bed looking up the bed, at him. We made small talk. Then Brandie opened the door of the bathroom and stepped out. This time, she only had the denim shirt on, still unbuttoned to the waist, but she had taken her sweatpants off! This was it! She was going to do it! My heart began to race!

Brandie walked back over to the bed and sat down on it, in the same manner that she had sat on it most of the night; with her back to the headboard and her left foot hanging off the bed, her right foot curled up under her. From my vantage point, at the foot of the bed, looking up the bed at my wife, as she sat down, I could see her bare pussy under the tail of her shirt. Ron was sitting on the other side of the bed and so he hadn't gotten the flash that I had. I surmised that he might have gotten a glimpse of her bare ass as she sat down, but whether he had or not, he could obviously tell that my wife was naked, except for the denim shirt.

As I watched, and no one said a thing, Ron slid across the bed so that he was in front of Brandie, the same way he was when I had come out of the bathroom earlier and seen them kissing. Then he put his mouth on my wife's mouth, and started to kiss her. His right hand slid inside her shirt and he started playing with her tits again. My cock was instantly, as hard as a rock! It was exciting to watch this other man, whom we had just met, kiss my wife and she was obviously enjoying it! I watched as their lips parted, their mouths pressed together, and their tongues slipped into each other's mouth.

I had kissed my wife many times in the heat of passion just like this, but it was so much different to watch her doing it with another man, and to see her in a way that I could never see her if it was us doing it. I would find out as the evening went on, that "this", (watching her, and seeing her in a way that I could never see her when we do it), was going to be the real thrill, of sharing her with another man!

Ron had his hand on my wife's right tit, playing with her nipple. With the back of his hand, he pushed her shirt open and I could see his fingers with my wife's nipple between them. He was squeezing and rolling her nipple between his fingers and it was obviously exciting Brandie. She has very large nipples and they stand up hard when she is aroused. I could see the hard brown lump of her nipple between his fingers!
I love the thought of my wife being a "slut"! The thought of her being an easy, loose woman, who gets turned on by just the sexual act and therefore has to fuck to put the fire out, is exciting to me! All the years before we had gotten to this point, she was a "proper woman". She had sex with me because "she loved me". I liked to think she had sex just because she was horny and wanted to fuck! I know that when we had sex, we were making love. But, I wanted to see her horny and fucking just because she was horny! Well now, on the bed in front of me, was my wife, kissing another man while he played with her tits and she obviously liked it, because I could see how passionately she was kissing him back, and how hard her nipple was as he played with it. She was HOT! She was turned on! She wanted to fuck, and it obviously wasn't because she "loved this guy"! She was a "slut" and I loved it!

Ron took his right hand off her tit and reached down to lift her leg and kind of guide her down onto the bed so she was lying on her back. Then he stretched out on his left side, beside her and continued kissing her. Now he had his hand on the inside of her right thigh and he pulled her leg towards him to spread her legs and get better access to what waited between them. The lights in the room were almost all off except for one over near the bathroom. But, the light from the porno movie on the TV screen, which was right next to me, put a perfect glow, on the scene before me and I could see every detail! 

As Ron pulled my wife's legs apart, I could see her pussy lips were already swollen and slightly parted as they get when she is aroused, and I swear, that I could see moisture on her slit! All this, and the guy hadn't even touched her pussy yet! The "slut" was HOT!

I watched as Ron ran his hand up the inside of my wife's thigh and slid his hand onto her pussy. As soon as he touched her "there", I heard her let out a loud sigh and saw her sort of shudder as if she had caught a chill. I saw Ron's fingers begin to rub up and down her pussy lips and confirm what I had thought I saw earlier. It was plainly visible now, as he rubbed her pussy lips, that they were already moist! I could see the shiny wetness in the light from the TV! He slipped a finger or two, in between her pussy lips, spreading them and teasing her by running his fingers up and down between them but not yet pushing them in any farther. I could hear my wife moan and I saw her thrusting her hips and ass towards his fingers, trying to get him to finger fuck her! She was HOT! The "slut" wanted him to slide his fingers up her cunt! He obliged her and I watched as two of his fingers slipped between her pussy lips and up her cunt as far as they would go. She let out a loud moan and wiggled her ass as she obviously enjoyed the feeling of his fingers buried in her hot snatch! He worked his fingers in and out, slowly beginning to finger fuck her. I know how much my wife loves this. When she is really HOT, it usually doesn't take much of this to make her cum! All the while that Ron is doing this, they continue to kiss and Brandie is rubbing Ron's hairy chest. At some point, she had gotten his shirt open and he had slipped it off. I had been so engrossed in watching his hands, I hadn't even noticed!

Brandie was HOT and wanted more. With her right hand she started undoing Ron's belt and pants. I couldn't believe my eyes! Here was my wife making out with this other guy, he had a couple of his fingers up her cunt, and she was trying to undo his pants! What a HOT, fucking "slut" she was! I loved it! Ron helped her and they got his pants undone and he started to slip them off. As soon as he opened them up, his cock sprang out. It was, (as in the pictures we had seen), bigger than average but not huge. He was semi hard and I guessed hard he was maybe 7 or 8 inches long and very fat. A cock that I wish I had! I am in that 6 inch but meaty, average category. Ron kicked his pants off in the floor and so he was now completely naked. Brandie had his cock in her hand and was rubbing it. He was now completely hard and her hand seemed to cover a small portion of it. When she rubs my hard cock, only an inch or two, sticks up above her hand. It looked like she could only cover half of his cock with her hand! As she was rubbing his cock, Ron opened her shirt and started sucking on her tits.
While they were doing all this, I had been sitting in my chair, sipping on my beer, and watching the show. By now, they were naked, (except Brandie still had her shirt on buttoned across her waist), and they were very involved in each other. I stood up and quickly stripped my clothes off so that I was naked. I went to the bathroom and got a towel to keep handy in case I couldn't hold my orgasm until it was, my turn. After all, this was the first time I had ever watched my wife with another man and I was at the very edge of cumming already! I sat back down in the chair and started rubbing my hard cock with one hand and occasionally sipping my beer with the other.

Brandie pushed Ron onto his back. She moved down his body so that she was laying on her right side across his waist, and she had his erect cock in her hand. She looked at me and we both knew what she was about to do! From the look on her face, I could tell that she wanted me to say something and let her know that I was OK with all of this.
Looking my wife, right in her face, I said, "I'm loving this show, Baby!"
That was all she needed. She smiled at me, and as she kept her eyes locked on mine, she parted her lips, and there, just a few inches in front of me, took this other man's cock into her mouth! I watched as the head of his cock disappeared between my wife's lips, and she went down on him. I was surprised that she was able to take nearly all of his large cock into her mouth! She began the up and down motion of sucking his cock and she seemed to love it! I know he loved it, because I know what it feels like when Brandie gives a blow job! She gives the best head I have ever had and she can often make me cum before I want to! Ron was moaning and obviously enjoying her mouth on his cock. He had his left hand on the back of her head and neck and played with her hair as she sucked him. He didn't know it, but he was doing something that my wife really loves. She loves to have a man grab a handful of her hair and kind of gently force her head up and down on his cock as she sucks him.

At one point, he leaned to the side so he could see me around her, and said, "Man! She gives an incredible blow job!"
I said, "Yeah, I know. Ya like that, huh?"
He said, "Oh yeah, I like it! Damn! She's a great cock sucker!"
Then he put his head back down and moaned as he pushed my wife's head down a bit and thrust his ass upward, forcing his cock deeper into her mouth.
I loved watching her sucking his cock! It was so erotic watching "my wife" sucking this other man's cock and knowing how good it was feeling to him! And knowing that she was enjoying it! I was enjoying watching, but I wanted to get into some of the action.

I got up and went around to the right side of the bed so that I was behind Brandie. I reached over and slid my hand between her legs. Knowing what I wanted, she lifted her left leg up and I easily slid a couple of my fingers into her soaking, wet snatch!
I looked over at Ron and said, "Man! You have really got her excited! Her pussy is soaked! She's got juices running all over the place."
And she did! The whole area on the inside of her thighs and crotch was wet from her juices!
He looked at me and said, "She's got me pretty damn excited too!"

For the next several minutes, I fingered my wife's pussy while she continued to suck Ron's cock. I marveled at how wet and warm her cunt was! The feeling of those slick juices, her hot slippery cunt, and the sight of her sucking another man's cock, was almost more than I could stand! I thought that I might shoot my wad at any minute! My fingers were obviously making my wife very hot, as she was moaning with Ron's cock in her mouth, and wiggled her ass on my fingers. I knew I had her near an orgasm, but I didn't want to make her cum yet. When she had her first orgasm tonight, I wanted to see Ron, make her do it!

Finally, I stopped, went back to my chair, and sat down to watch some more. I sipped some more of my beer and avoided touching my cock, trying to let my physical feelings subside a bit so that I could enjoy the show without cumming to soon. Brandie stopped sucking Ron and slid back up on the bed next to him.

I thought to myself, "The slut doesn't want to make him cum with her mouth; she wants his load up her cunt!"
And "that" she did!
They began to kiss a little more and then my wife gave Ron a "pull" that told him she wanted him to get on top of her and fuck her. So, she rolled onto her back and Ron got up on his knees between her legs. I got up and moved around to the side of the bed so that I could look right down between her legs and see everything he was doing. Brandie reached out and took my cock in her hand and slowly pulled and squeezed on it. Ron took his large cock in his hand and slid the head of it up and down my wife's slit. This brought forth moans of pleasure from her and each time he would hit a special spot, she would tighten her grip on my cock!

Ron looked at me, standing next to the bed as Brandie stroked my cock, and he was rubbing her pussy with his cock and said, "Man! Your wife is so sexy! She's HOT! I think she wants to fuck, what do you think?"
I said, "Yeah. I think she does. I've never seen her sexier and hotter than she is right now! This is one Hell of a show!"
I realized that I liked talking to this man, whom we had just met, while he and I were sexually pleasing my wife and we were talking "about her" without including her in the conversation. There was something wicked, kinky, sexy about that and Ron obviously knew that as he had done this before.
Then Ron said to me, "Well, you ready for this?"
I said, "Sure. Give her what she wants."
I watched as he pushed a little harder and the head of his cock went between my wife's pussy lips. Again he rubbed it up and down her slit, but this time inside her lips and he was really driving her crazy! She was moaning and trying to grind her ass up towards him to encourage him to slide his cock into her cunt, and all the while she was gripping my cock!

Suddenly, Ron stopped his teasing, positioned his cock head right at my wife's waiting fuck hole opening, looked at me with a grin and said, "Here we go."
Then he pushed slowly forward and I watched as his cock disappeared up my wife's cunt! By now, my wife was as hot as I had ever seen her! She was ready for this! She wanted to fuck this guy and she didn't care that I was standing there watching. By this point, she was so fucking HOT that all she wanted was to fuck! If she had any reservations at all about this, they were all gone now!

As Ron's cock slid up my wife's hot, slick cunt, she let out a long guttural moan of pleasure and squeezed hard on my cock! Then she arched her back, and shuddered through her first orgasm of the night! I couldn't believe it! All he did was slide his cock into her and my wife was cumming like a wanton slut! I LOVED IT! This was EXACTLY what I wanted to see, "my wife", HOTTER than Hell it's self and wanting to FUCK! As Ron's cock sank into my wife's cunt and she shuddered through her orgasm, she was tightly gripping and squeezing my cock. Watching my wife have her first ever orgasm from another man while I watched and her pulling on my cock at the same time, was nearly more than I could take!

I stepped back from the bed; again I was afraid if I let her keep squeezing and pulling on my cock, I was going to cum too soon. I went back to my chair again, and from this vantage point, with the light from the TV screen putting a glow on the scene before me, I could plainly see Ron's cock as it stretched my wife's pussy lips around his shaft and he slid in and out of her! It was such an erotic scene! I had fantasized about seeing this for many years, and now, right here, just inches in front of me, (I was so close that I could smell her juicy cunt and HEAR the squishing sounds of their actions!), was another man filling my wife's cunt with his cock! I nearly lost it and almost busted a nut without even touching my cock!

I sat in the chair and watched this other man fuck my wife as I sipped my beer, and tried to soak in every sensation, the sights, sounds and smells, of the action in front of me. I wanted to remember it ALL!

My wife seemed to love it as she wrapped her arms around Ron, occasionally kissing him and moaning with every stroke of his cock in and out of her. I watched as she wrapped her legs over the backs of his knees, just as she does when I fuck her, so that she has better leverage and can grind her pelvis against his, the way she does me.
I was fascinated as I watched her actions! She was HOT! Fucking just for the thrill of fucking! Grinding her ass up at him, pressing her belly against his, moaning and enjoying this fuck! She was a "Hot Wife"! A "slut"! And I loved every minute of it!

Unlike me, Ron was able to fuck for a very long time. I'm a 5, maybe, 10-minute man, myself. But, Ron seemed to be able to control himself and fuck as long as he wanted. I was glad about that. Some guys might be jealous to think that another guy could "out perform" them. Not me! I was glad that he could give Brandie all the fucking that she could handle. This was one of the reasons I wanted to do this. I wanted her to enjoy it and have a good time. I know that she enjoys it when we have sex and I usually tried to make sure she was satisfied before I started to fuck her. But, I always felt that maybe sometimes, she wanted to fuck more than what I could give her. So, this was one way "I" could give it to her!

After several minutes of traditional fucking, Ron got up on his knees and put my wife's legs up over his shoulders. I guessed that he was getting in even deeper this way and it brought forth some even deeper moans from Brandie! Shortly after starting this, my wife started to moan and act in a way that I knew she was about to have another orgasm. I watched as she shuddered and ground her pelvis upwards to push against him as she went through her orgasm! It was SOOOOOOO erotic! He knew she was cumming too, and did everything he could to maximize it for her, pushing his cock in deep, grinding his pelvis against her's. When she was done, he put her legs down. I knew he was going to fuck for himself now, instead of trying so hard just to please her.

I watched between their legs as his cock worked in and out of my wife's cunt. I could see the wet, white, and creamy looking foam of her cum all around his cock and running down the crack of her ass! Ron began to pick up speed and soon I knew he was close to his orgasm. He gave a few more deep strokes, and then he pushed in as deep as he could get, while letting out a deep moan. He held it there as he dumped his load of cum up my wife's cunt! I saw his asshole pucker and his nut sack twitch as he filled my wife's cunt with his load. I watched as his cum over flowed and seeped out around his cock to run down her crack and drip onto the bed! My cock twitched and jumped and I was horrified to think, that I might cum now before I got a chance to get into my wife's cum filled cunt! I roughly grabbed my cock and worked to hold the feelings back.

Ron laid on top of my wife a few minutes, savoring the feeling of her hot, cum filled pussy around his cock, as he told her how much he had enjoyed that, and they kissed a couple of times. Then he pulled out of her and got up off the bed. As his cock slid out of my wife's pussy, I saw a thread of cum juices, (a combination of his and her's), that stretched from her pussy to the tip of his cock and it stretched longer until it finally broke off. It was as if their sexual "connection" to each other was symbolically breaking off. My wife's fuck hole was slightly open and cum was oozing out, running down her crack and dripping on the bed.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing before me! There laid "my wife" on the bed, freshly fucked by another man, her pussy swollen and partially open, cum oozing out and running down her ass, and she NEVER LOOKED HOTTER! I was so turned on and so in love with this "slut" on the bed!
She looked at me, held out her hand to motion me to the bed, and said, "Come on. It's your turn!"
I took her hand, and got on the bed between her legs. She grabbed my cock and guided it to her pussy. She was already well fucked, her pussy lips were partially open, her fuck hole full of another man's cum, I easily slid all the way in! I rested there a second. Savoring the feeling of her well-fucked cunt full of another man's cum, now with my cock buried deep in it! I began to stroke in and out of her. I was vaguely aware of Ron moving around behind us to occupy the chair I had been in before, so that he could have the same vantage point that I had, had.

I couldn't believe how hot her cunt felt! How slick, gooey it felt from the mixture of her and another man's cum! This was the first time I had ever experienced "sloppy 2nds" from my own wife, and I was hoping it wouldn't be the last. As I fucked her and looked into her face, I thought about how lovely she was, how much I loved her, and what a "slut" she was! We kissed passionately, seemingly trying to swallow each other!
When we broke from our kiss, I said to her, "You know this isn't going to take long. I can hardly hold it back now!"
She said to me, "That's OK. Come on, Baby! Fuck me! Let it feel good for yourself!"
That was all I needed or could stand! I shoved in as far as I could go and added my load of cum up her cunt to mix with her and Ron's!
After a minute or two of "recovery", I got up and took one last look at my wife lying there on the bed, cum oozing from her pussy, freshly fucked by another man AND ME! I couldn't believe she had really done it! But, there it was! All of the evidence seeping out of her!

Brandie got up from the bed and went into the bathroom to clean up. As she sat up to get off the bed, I saw some globs of the mixture of her juices, and Ron, and my loads of cum, spurt out of her pussy and onto the bed. Ron and I, being "guys", just sat around naked, cum dripping from our cocks and drank beer while we talked about how much fun that had been! He told me what a great fuck my wife had been and thanked me for the opportunity. I felt a bit of inner pride that this other man had found "my wife" so erotic and sexually appealing! I thanked him for his compliments and we drank some more beer.

Brandie came out of the bathroom, grabbed her soda and sat back on the bed just like she had been earlier in the night; back against the headboard, left foot hanging off the bed, and right foot curled up under her. We all sat around talking and drinking for several more minutes and then the porno video ended for the 2nd time. Ron went to the bathroom while I rewound the tape and disconnected the VCR. When he came out, he was dressed, and ready to go.

He put the VCR and tape under one arm and Brandie walked him to the door. I watched as they kissed good-bye and he reached under the tale of her shirt to rub her bare ass. As I watched them, I was thinking, that I hoped this wouldn't be the last time we would ever get together with him, or that this wouldn't be a "one time" event for my wife and I.

After he left, Brandie and I laid on the bed excitedly talking about what had happened. Both of us had LOVED it, and we relived every moment! Brandie mentioned that she had thought that Ron would eat her pussy but he never did. I told her I think he was in a hurry to get his cock into her. She said that once things got going, she kind of wanted that, "in a hurry", too! I didn't want her to be disappointed about not getting something she wanted that night, so, I slid down the bed and joyfully buried my face in between her legs. She moaned as I slipped my tongue between her pussy lips and began to lick her. She had cleaned up when she went into the bathroom, but it had only been 30-45 minutes since she had fucked another man, and me, and I could still smell the mixture of all of our juices and she was still swollen and wet, and tender from all the cock she had had in her cunt tonight! I took my time, making sure that she enjoyed it and ate her to at least 2 orgasms before I ended up fucking her again!

As it turned out, this wasn't the last time we were with Ron, or the last time I ever shared my wife with another man. This was the first time and it happened several years ago. Since then we have had many swinging experiences and have enjoyed our new found lifestyle. My wife has turned out to be the "HOT Wife" I always knew she could be and our marriage has become stronger and we have grown closer as a result of our sexual escapades.

If you are a couple thinking about the swinging, or "HOT Wife" lifestyles, I hope that after reading my story about my first time, that you'll be encouraged to try it for yourself. I don't think you'll regret it. If you are a man just fantasizing about your wife doing this with you, maybe letting her read this story will give her the encouragement she needs to take the plunge. In any case, I hope that you have enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed "making it"!